If you are looking for a unique aquarium the Lifegard Full View aquarium is one option. Instead of the traditional cube or rectangle, the Lifegard Full View has the front panel tilted at a bit of an angle to give you a it more viewing area.
The Full View comes in two models, one with an integrated overflow and filter chamber and one without. The one without the filter chamber comes in a 5 and a 7-gallon model with the option to buy just the tank and one as a complete kit. The complete kit features the tank, Lifegard Full Spectrum LED lighting, QuietOne return pump, filter chamber and media, 100W preset heater, Mighty Mag Alage Cleaner, LED thermometer, and a net.
The Full View 5 gallon tank runs around $50 and the 7 gallon tank runs around $60. You can also get the built in filter chamber for about $20-25 more and the complete kit runs about $150-170.