Apex Pods is a brand new live copepod from Reef Nutrition which is a pure culture of live tropical copepods. Unlike the uber popular Tigger pods, Tigriopus californicus, the warm water Apocyclops panamensis are a species of copepod which can actually become permanently established in a reef aquarium.
The much larger tigger pods are usually stored in a cool place or refrigerator, but since Apex pods are a tropical species, they can be kept at room temperature. Also, not only are Apex pods much smaller but their nauplii are much smaller too, with adults clocking in at around 600 to 700 microns (0.6 to 0.7 mm) with their young being just 10% of that size.
This makes Apex pods one of the most suitable live foods available for direct feeding of finicky fish, or culturing to provide a suitable live food for a wide range of small mouthed animals. Not only does Reef Nutrition culture their own live Apex Pods and sell them as a live food, they also teach you how to grow your own in case you should find yourself in need of a steady, cultured supply of your own. [Reef Nutrition]