Rimless and frameless tanks have been the most desired aquariums for aquarists wanting a more modern look and it appears that this design is fixing to go mainstream. This weekend at Reefapalooza we saw a 29 gallon aquarium from Aqueon which was both rimless and had high clarity glass construction.
The 30 inch 29 gallon is one of the most iconic sizes and shapes from the legendary All Glass Aquariums that eventually became Aqueon and so it was quite a nice shock to see such a familiar aquarium with the contemporary twist. No ugly black frame, nice angular edges and corners, a snug fitting glass to lid to match and the higher clarity glass all bring this new version of the 29 gallon tank firmly into the modern era.
We’re not sure what grade of low iron glass Aqueon is using for this new tank, but it’s certainly clearer than the green glass we usually expect. Naturally, this new updated look for the 29 gallon won’t replace the workhorse 29G and it’ll cost a good bit more, but it’s still expected to be in the neighborhood of around $100 for the tank with glass lids when it becomes available later this year.