The Hallelujah Bounce Shroom is an incredible new strain of Rhodactis mushroom anemone that has just bubbled up to the surface thanks to Reef Raft Canada. This veritable miracle of colorful vesicles is unlike any other so-called ‘Bounce’ shroom strain we have ever seen in that the color, neigh the colors of each ‘roided-out bubble is a complete surprise.
Like pretty much every other bounce strain, it took more than a year for this brown, otherwise unremarkable Rhodactis strain to develop the iconic colored vesicles but when it did, it was like nothing we had ever seen before. Instead of developing a single color to each vesicle, the Hallelujah Bounce grows bubbles that can be a wide range of colors including green, orange, the typical orange, yellow, purple and lavender and the biggest vesicles even have a tendency to be a mix of colors.
Multicolored vesicles are actually normal in the OG Bounce Shroom which has bubbles that are mostly orange, with hints of neon green or yellow but the Hallelujah Bounce takes this color mixing to a whole new, unbelievable level. The unpredictable nature of the Hallelujah Bounce’s randomly colored bubbles is a very exciting proposition for the aquarist because there’s no way to know what color the bubbles will develop.
Not only do not know the color of the bubbles to start, you also don’t know what it’ll end up as, and growing and keeping these shrooms happy will be a constant surprise. The appearance of each polyp will vary greatly from one to the next, both within a single colony and from aquarium to aquarium, and it sure doesn’t hurt that the base color of each polyp is deep brown which really contrasts with the crazy colors of the Hallelujah Bounce.
Just when we thought the craze for Bounce Shrooms was winding down, or at least cooling off, Reef Raft goes and introduces the kind of polyp that no one could have ever imagined, and this will surely instill even more interest and demand for this really unusual group of Rhodactis mushroom anemones.