The Cetus 2 is a pendant-style LED by HME Electronics is ideal for small aquariums with low to medium light corals. The Cetus 2 comes with an updated smartphone app (HME AquaMaster) allowing users to customize and select various light profiles.
We’ve previously written about all the full-blown features of this little powerhouse light, but the updated AquaMaster app gives this light even more control. Choose between low or medium light settings or select a profile from reefs around the world.

The Cetus 2 offers light in the 400nm actinic/blue range to the 660nm red spectrum to simulate natural daylight from different parts of the world. Connect up to six lights on the HME AquaMaster App and choose from light profiles for Hawaii, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean Sea, Comoros, Okinawa or the Great Barrier Reef and the light fixture will use the combination of LED’s to mimic the light from that part of the world.
Medium Light Corals
Medium light corals are best placed between 12-18” from the light source. This includes LPS corals like Euphyllia Frogspawn, Torches, Hammer coral, Plerogyra Bubble Coral, Duncan, Candy Cane, Chalice, Acanthastrea, Favia, Favites, and Catalyphyllia Elegance corals.
Low Light Corals
Medium light corals are best placed up to 24” from the light source. This includes Mushrooms, Zoanthid Polyps, Soft corals like pulsing Xenia, Sarcophyton Toadstool leather coral, Kenya Trees, Green Star Polyps, Button scolymia and other low light corals
The Cetus 2 light is a powerful light for upgrading or starting out a nano tank or any other reef tank with low to medium light corals. Attach the light to your tank with the single fixture mounting arm to complete your nano aquarium or small tank design.
The Cetus 2 is an affordable option at $189.99 USD for the light and $34.99 for the handing arm. The light is is currently available in the USA through Aquatic Life.