LifeRock Flatz is a new shape of dry rock from CaribSea which, as its name implies, is a nice flat shaped rock useful in many aquascaping scenarios. With the rise increasing popularity of dry rock for creating reef tank rock scapes, flat cut dry rocks have become very practical for ready made shelves and as a great base upon which to place other piece of rocks and easily build up your reef creation.
CaribSea has been steadily diversifying their offering of LifeRock shapes and while we’ve had some options for shelf rock, the LifeRock Flatz have the benefit of being an attractive mixed purple coloration that is very similar to natural coralline algae growth. LifeRock Flatz comes in shapes ranging from two to 10 inches in length and is packaged by CaribSea in five or 20 pound boxes which are priced at around $42 and $149 respectively. [CaribSea]