An aquarium NFT platform has launched, in what is a first for the global aquatic industry. NFTs stand for Non-Fungible Tokens and in simple terms, it is a unique, one-off digital code applied to designate an item of property, and who owns it. Outside of aquatics, this could be art, music, or even a house, but it’s rapidly gaining traction in fields such as concert tickets and exclusive influencer content. That could have benefits for aquarium influencers, aquatic stores, brands, aquatic shows, and their legions of fans and followers.
Anthony Blinoff owns the Australian equipment brand Dalua and has been quick to identify NFTs and their potential in the aquatic industry. He’s set up a new marketplace and social media platform called Aqua Culture and he wants to realize the dream of aquatic brands, influencers, and stores being able to release aquatic NFTs, (called memberships,) to their biggest fans, followers, and users, giving them exclusive access to content, offers, discounts, events, maybe even warranties.
As we understand it an aquatic company, YouTuber, or fish show could release perhaps 500 NFT memberships to fanatical fans who would then receive direct, much more personal access to that brand or person as well as exclusive giveaways, offers and be the first in at auctions and events as an example. Each membership would be unique, numbered one to 500, and then if that person decided to leave the hobby in the future that unique membership to that exclusive club would potentially have resale value to others. A bit like season tickets at sporting venues. There are only so many seats, some of which have been taken for decades and passed down through the generations, but if someone ever gives one up there will be legions of fans interesting in buying the season ticket and that seat in the future. And that club may just win the trophy that year.
Another example would be buying tickets for a rock concert with a big star in a small, exclusive venue. These memberships may have high buy-in prices, but the value could actually go up if resold or investments could be made in up-and-coming brands and influencers with very low membership NFTs, which go on to be very valuable in the future. A new company could issue exclusive discounts on all products to members, then invent the next big thing, honoring that discount for life for those early adopters while also making that membership discount offer very attractive to other hobbyists.
Aqua Culture will be free to sign up and advertise on and Anthony’s vision is that in 12 months’ time, influencers will be selling memberships, aquatic shows will be selling tickets and hobbyists will get the chance to benefit from one-to-ones with creators, unique content and much more enhanced user experiences. Web 3.0 is coming, and NFTs are coming soon to an aquatic brand or influencer near you.