Acrylic tank manufacturers The Polyp Pros have added a new frag-ready tank to their range, this time with a sump and cabinet. For those who haven’t seen their products before The Polyp Pros offer super sexy acrylic frag tanks with some nice features built-in. We like the look of them, the manifold, multi-outlet return, matching pipework, and equipment. But until now they have all been desktop style and All-In-One, with the equipment and hardware sat in a chamber at the back of the tank. The Sumped Tank however maintains all of the good features of the above but progresses to a system with its own cabinet stand and integrated sump underneath.

Tank stats
The tank itself measures 600x570x400mm/23.6″x22.4″x15.7″ high and holds 130 liters/34 gallons of water. The sump comes with either four or five sections and can be factory fitted with either filter socks or a modified Clarisea Roller Filter. It also comes with a 10-liter auto top-off chamber. The matching white cabinet stands 630mm high, with a soft close door and the whole system holds 190 liters/50 gallons when running. The Polyp Pros recommend it is fitted with EcoTech Vectra return pump, Radion light and tank mount, and Nyos skimmer, and can provide it either with or without equipment. It can be used purposefully to hold frags and specced with 3 part locking hole frag rack or ran as a very easy-on-the-eye modern reef display tank.

One of the parts we most like the look of are the battery of return nozzles. The aquarium is equipped with 6 variable flow jets across the surface of the aquarium, along with another 4 duckbills at the base of the aquarium to allow flow under the frag racks, or if used as a display tank, to ensure no dead spots occur. The nozzles are all attached to a Locline piece to allow flow direction in any way the user prefers and together those 10 outlets should negate the need for a dedicated flow pump. The weir comb is integrated into the back of the tank and 40mm/1.57″ drains return all that flow back to the sump for processing. There are also four connections for dosing lines built in. The rimless tank is made from 15mm/0.59″ thick acrylic to help alleviate any bowing and all pipework is precut, pre-glued, and pre-fitted for easy installation. Just connect it up via the included unions.

Why we like it
The Polyp Pros Sumped tank will appeal to all those with Shiny Object Syndrome and all those with OCD who simply must have their frags neatly arranged in regimented rows and looking perfect. But If you want a proper frag grow out, conditions need to be as good as in the main display tank and that includes light, flow, filtration, and dosing. This Sumped Tank allows for all of those parameters to be managed with great, market-leading marine equipment, versus a cheap adaptation of an off-the-shelf freshwater tank that won’t. We would have maybe gone taller on the cabinet height but overall it’s a thing of beauty, and if it runs as well as it looks, we predict some happy owners. Prices start from a reasonable £899.99, or around $1085.