Flower Polyp Montipora Appears with Intense GFP Infection

The Flower Polyp Montipora Cap is one of the older and more unique strains of Montipora in the reef aquarium hobby, and also one of our favorites. This light off-green Monti strain has a nice thick purple rim, but what really…

Insane purple Acropora suharsonoi with neon green ‘GFP infection’

This exceptionally stunning purple Acropora suharsonoi with swirls of green fluorescent protein has just been obtained by Bali Aquarium. Rare and aberrant reef fish pop up on our radar like everyday but one of a kind coral specimens such as this…

GFP “infection” radically alters the look of stony corals, like the Green Jacket

Green Fluorescent Protein is one of the most ubiquitous and recognizable fluorescent colors in soft and stony corals. In some cases the GFP is expressively produced, sometimes it’s a byproduct and recently reef aquarists have observed a third phenomenon involving…

The Challenge With Grafted/Protein Infected Corals

The reef aquarium hobby has always had some degree of obsession with any new or unique coral strains and varieties. It’s therefore no surprise that when reefers first started discovering irregular patches of color in SPS corals like Acros and…

Branching Turbinaria from Eye Catching Coral is Full of Mystery

Turbinaria is simply an awesome group of stony corals that are full of diverse and very durable corals. In some ways the hardiness of Pagoda, Cup, and Scroll corals is more similar to typical soft corals, making them a good…

Grafted Digitata: WWC Developing an Exciting New Coral Strain!

Grafted SPS coral strains, that is ones with an ‘infection’ of fluorescent proteins, are a very popular natural phenomenon that coral farmers work hard to develop in aquarium colonies. This bizarre occurrence is widespread and can be found in a…

Revisiting Reef Life Highlights of the Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands is arguably one of the birthplaces of modern reef aquariums, especially when it comes to injecting the global reefing community with fun and exotic corals. There’s been some chatter about a new marine life pipeline being built…

The Rainbow Splice Acropora Millepora from Reef Raft Canada

There are grafted corals and then there is the Rainbow Splice Millepora from Reef Raft Canada. This naturally produced bicolored strain of the hobby’s favorite Acro, Acropora millepora, was spotted among the diverse coral collections of Reef Raft. A single branch tip…

Sunfire Grafted Cap Has Even Brighter Colored Polyps!

Grafted Corals, or ‘GFP Infections’ are among some of the most interesting and bizarre coral ‘strains’ available to us in the aquarium hobby. The phenomenon has been documented in a wide variety of corals, most often in small polyp stony…

Some Of Jason Fox’s Personal Favorite Corals

In the United States Jason Fox’s name has become synonymous with very unique and collectable corals. If that’s what you’re into, then visiting Jason’s own tanks is like visiting a boutique of fine coral shopping and propagation. I had the…