In the United States Jason Fox’s name has become synonymous with very unique and collectable corals. If that’s what you’re into, then visiting Jason’s own tanks is like visiting a boutique of fine coral shopping and propagation. I had the opportunity to do just that earlier this summer and while I focused on taking video which will be compiled into an incredible video of his place, I did snap a few pictures of some of his prized reef creatures.

Last week I showed you the Tang Party at Jason Fox’s place, and today I want to show you some of Jason’s all time favorite corals. Some of these you know already, such as the Raja Rampage which is unmistakeable from across a room, and others might be more subtle but still rank prominently on his list of favorites, and represented within several of his aquariums.
It’s super cool that like most coral reefers, Jason loves something about all different corals. But in our daily reefing practice, there are a few coral colonies and strains which repeatedly get top billing in prominent places of his reef tanks. I know I’m like that with some of my ‘Legacy Corals’ that I’ve been growing on and off since the early 2000s.
Jason just updated his website with a major overhaul in the layout and spanking new photographs and tons of corals on offer. So without further ado, here are some, but not even close to all, of Jason Fox’s personal favorite corals.