Video: Coral Spawning in Closed System Aquariums by Jamie Craggs

While attending the Love2Reef event in the UK in May, we also got to meet Dr. Jamie Craggs and listen to one of his talks on captive coral spawning. We found it inspirational, we learned a lot, but we didn’t…

Craggs and Co breed The Pink Sea Fan, Eunicella verrucosa

A threatened species of Sea Fan has been bred in captivity by the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London, England. The Pink Sea Fan, Eunicella verrucosa, is native to western Ireland, southwest Britain, West Africa, and the Meditteranean, but is…

Love2Reef is a British Reefing Show Raising Money for a Great Cause

Last weekend I was invited to give a talk at Love2Reef in Essex, England. Love2Reef was devised by British hobbyist Paul Longhurst, who managed to do what many Brits have tried and failed to do in the past – hold…

Is Ammonia Dosing a Possible New Way to Provide Coral Nutrition? 

Understanding Coral Diseases as well the nutritional needs of corals has been one of the shortcomings of science and the hobby since Jacques Cousteau introduced us to the coral reefs in the 1960s. We have made extensive progress in improving…

John Sorkness is the God of Gig Anemones

Salem Clemens talks to John Sorkness about Carpet Anemones, how to ID them, keep them, propagate them, and maybe even spawn them! Tell us what got you into the hobby, how long you’ve been in it, and your passion for…

The Importance of Coral Nutrition

As we have noted in previous articles most aspects of the hobby have some controversy associated with them. Needless to say, coral nutrition is one of them. For many years the general consensus was that all corals needed to thrive…

What does the Future Hold for Reefkeeping?

For many of us, 2023 was a rough year. But as I typically do during a tough year I start looking at the future and hopefully better times. 2024 will mark the fortieth year I have been in reefkeeping. The…

Richard Ross’s Home Coral Breeding Video is a Recipe for All Reefers

Captive coral spawning is a big deal right now and represents the cutting edge of decades of trial and error when we learned first how to keep them alive, then how to frag them, and now, most importantly, how to…

Reefkeeping in the Victorian Era

As the saltwater aquarium hobby celebrates over half a century of maturation, we often talk about the many reefkeeping pioneers. In his 1972 book “Tropical Fish, Freshwater, and Marine Aquaria,” Reginald Dutta talked about equipment such as an Ozonizer, an…

Florida Aquarium successfully breed endangered Elkhorn coral

Scientists at the Florida Aquarium have for the first time, successfully captive-bred The Elkhorn Coral, Acropora palmata. Elkhorn is an endangered species that was once found all over the shallow waters of the Caribbean but now there are thought to…