Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Rocky Mountain Fish Filters is Bringing Disc Filters to Aquariums

Mechanical filtration is one of the most fundamental processes of purifying water whether it be for drinking purposes, for agriculture, or in our case for keeping aquarium clean and clear. In our reef tanks the function of mechanically cleaning aquarium…

Seachem Fish Nets Coming Soon in 16 Different Sizes/Styles

Seachem is launching a new line of Fish Nets which are among the most thoughtful and well considered versions of the venerable aquarium tool to be released in a very long while. As an aquarium accessory fish nets are indispensable…

Supporting Our Ukrainian Aquarium Family

The invasion of Ukraine has many costs and among them is an economic hit to affected industries so we want to promote reefing companies that are doing their best to hold on through the war. A&C is an acrylic manufacturer…

Another Cautionary Tale About Zoanthids [Graphic Warning]

Hi, my name is Taï from Paris, I’ve been in the hobby for more than 10 years now and I wanted to share with you a scary and dangerous experience regarding my reef tank. I used to collect zoanthids to…

Flashing Blue Tang Can’t Decide its Coloration

The flashing blue tang is a very unusual specimen of Paracanthurus hepatus which is unlike any surgeonfish, or any other fish we’ve encountered save for one. This strongly aberrant individual is mostly normal in the front half of the body but…

Automatic Frozen Fish Food Feeder Dropping Summer 2022

The Automatic Frozen Fish Food Feeder (AF4) by InD Creations is a radical aquarium device which is slowly moving further away from a concept and inching ever closer to reality. This company and its device first hit our ‘new reef…

10 Different Skimmer in use at the Reef Builders Studio [Video]

Protein skimmers are a piece of technology which is unique to saltwater aquariums and they’ve been employed as a tool to clean the water in our hobby for decades. There’s many different ways to combine the mixture of fine air…

Window Shopping Some Great & Affordable wysiwyg Coral Frags

It’s been a really long time since we shared some interesting and unique corals from around the web. With more online coral vendors than ever before we only got through a few pages of google search results before we had more than…

Slide-Loc Quick Release Lever will Transform Reactor Maintenance

The Slide-Loc Quick Release Lever is a novel invention that has the ability to finally make those pesky nylon screws and keyhole flanges an endangered species. Newer and small media reactors can get away with using small screw-on and twisting…

Captive Bred Interruptus Angelfish aplenty at SDC-ERI

The interruptus angelfish is one of the most unique and interesting of all Centropyge but they are very rare in the saltwater aquarium world. Hailing from the northwest Pacific Ocean most of the few specimens collected from the wild are…