Your favorite time of year is here Reefers, as Reef Builders’ very own ReefStock show is happening this weekend in Denver Colorado. ReefStock is an annual event for reefkeepers and the marine aquarium community that has been energizing the hobby…
Reefstock Denver 2023 Product Showcase
We’ve teamed up with some of the best brands and aquatic companies for ReefStock this year and new to Denver is the 2023 Product Showcase. Here we highlight just some of the exciting new products that you can expect to…
Reef Builders announces new ownership
Reef Builders® is pleased to announce Raj Shingadia as its new owner. Shingadia, who holds a bachelors of science and bachelors of arts from the University of Georgia, is the co-owner of MRC. He brings 20 years-plus of industry experience…
ReefStock Australia 2022 Is coming for Sydney!
Are you ready for ReefStock Australia? We definitely are! The long awaited Sydney show returns this August 6-7, 2022. ReefStock Australia has been a beloved tradition in the NSW region for several years, and this year is set to be…
Get Ready for ReefStock Denver 2022!
As 2021 comes to an end, the beginning of our 2022 event season is just beginning! ReefStock Denver has been a long standing tradition in the Colorado region for over a decade, and next year is set to be our…