Michael Paletta
Michael Paletta
182 Articles0 Comments

Michael Paletta has been keeping marine tanks since 1980 and reef tanks since the mid-1980s. During the past 40 years, he has written over 370 articles on reef tanks, marine fish, and invertebrates for both the US and Europe. His first book “The Modern Marine Aquarium” simplified marine fishkeeping for beginning hobbyists while at the same time incorporating advances that had been made due to reef keeping. His second book “Ultimate Marine Aquariums” illustrates how far the hobby had advanced during its first 15 years.

The Masterpiece Aquarium of David Saxby

As an Italian, I consider the three great masters to be Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. Similarly, there are also masters in this hobby and I have been fortunate to see their works of art, the tanks of Wayne…

Where the Big Corals Are: The Tank of Martin Lakin

A couple of months ago I wrote a piece asking where all the big corals went. Well on my recent speaking trip to England, I found them. In the tank of my friend Martin Lakin I was amazed to see…

Falling in Love With the Hobby Again

There are countless clichés about love and falling in love and most of them are clichés because they are true. My two favorites are ‘it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’ and…

Jumpstarting a reef tank after a long break

With Labor Day fast approaching, vacations winding down and the kids going back to school, it’s a sure sign that the end of summer is upon us. And with Fall and the colder weather, many of us start spending more time with…

The Hottest Corals of 2006

Not to make you feel old, but ten years ago was when Nintendo brought out the Wii, and Pluto was still a planet. Yeah I can’t believe they did that to Mickey Mouse’s dog either. The first one billionth song was…

The Hottest Corals of 1996

1996 was an interesting year for a number of reasons as it was the year that Dolly the sheep was cloned, DVDs were launched and my Steelers lost to the dreaded Cowboys. There were no digital cameras, nor smartphones, and…

How to keep the aquarium hobby fresh and exciting

From time to time one of my friends will comment about how they find it amazing that I still seem to have the same level of excitement about my tanks and the hobby as I did when they first met…

Nano Bubbles in the Reef Aquarium

As Don Ho used to sing:” Tiny bubbles, in the wine, make me happy, make me feel fine”. However, this refrain does not seem to be the mood on the reef aquarium side of the hobby, as judging from the heated discussions and…

An overview of Reefapalooza New York 2016

Nothing is worse than being invited to a great party and not being able to attend. If you did not go to this year’s Reefapalooza in New York, that is definitely the case. Since I know you already feel bad…

Dads and Tanks

The restaurants aren’t jam packed with patrons, there is no breakfast in bed and the cards are more funny than sentimental. But the grill is on, it’s Open weekend, and it’s the start of summer, so yes it is Father’s…