Michael Paletta
Michael Paletta
182 Articles0 Comments

Michael Paletta has been keeping marine tanks since 1980 and reef tanks since the mid-1980s. During the past 40 years, he has written over 370 articles on reef tanks, marine fish, and invertebrates for both the US and Europe. His first book “The Modern Marine Aquarium” simplified marine fishkeeping for beginning hobbyists while at the same time incorporating advances that had been made due to reef keeping. His second book “Ultimate Marine Aquariums” illustrates how far the hobby had advanced during its first 15 years.

Taking the Plunge, Tips for Getting Into the Aquarium Fish Business

At the start of a new year, many of us make resolutions to change our lives or start new ventures. A lot of us resolve to get in better shape or eat healthier or drink less, etc. For those of…

My Memories of Aquariums and Christmas

Christmas is probably the one holiday that makes many of us most feel nostalgic, it often makes us think of how things were in the past and at least in my case how simple life was and maybe better. As…

A Few of My Favorite Fish

This time of year when they play “These are a few of my favorite things”, and I am in the Christmas mood I thought I would list some of my favorite fish. Besides just listing them, I would also loke…

A Visit to Elos headquarters in Italy

When I think of Italian companies whose designs fire up my imagination, the names Lamborghini, Ferrari or Maserati immediately come to mind when I think of cars, or Armani, Zegna or Versace when I think of clothing. In addition to…

The Changing Face of Marine Aquarium Wholesalers

During my time in the hobby I have been fortunate in that I have gotten to know pretty a lot of the key players in the hobby including the wholesalers. I have been lucky to have been a regular visitor…

The Amazing Reef Tanks of Italy

As I have mentioned numerous times in the past, I consider myself to be a lucky person. And one of the ways this luck has manifested itself, is that I have been fortunate to get to see one of my…

Visiting the Piacenza Pet Festival in Italy

Like food, soccer and politics, Italians take their aquariums and actually all of their pets seriously. While we think it’s pretty good that we have several thousand people attend many of our events, that pales in comparison to the Piacenza Pet…

Aquarium Leaks, Floods, and How to Prevent Them

Approximately three years ago this weekend I came downstairs from my bedroom only to find water that came over my feet. Thinking like every good reefer, I immediately thought that my tank had sprung a major leak and was flooding…

A Visit to The Horniman Museum and Gardens

During the early days of the hobby there was sort of a barrier that existed between hobbyists, public aquarists and researchers that only some individuals like Bruce Carlson crossed. As a result, at MACNA V in 1993 in Toronto, many…

World Wide Corals is The Disneyland of Coral Frags

Everyone has seen the scene in a Western movie where the gunslinger walks into the dark saloon and the light from outside is so blinding that no one can really make him out. This week I had a similar experience,…