Nicole Helgason
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Nicole Helgason is a professional scuba diver and can often be found photographing corals and sharing her passion about coral reefs around the world. Nicole is Reef Builders Event Manager and is responsible for running ReefStock shows in Denver and Sydney. Nicole is also a manager for Reef Builders social media accounts and a weekly contributor to the Reef Builders site. Nicole has a Bachelors degree in Coastal Geography from the University of Victoria, and is originally from Vancouver Canada.

Eliminate Nuisance Dinoflagellates with Algae Barn Ocean Magik

Eliminating harmful and ugly dinoflagellates remains one of the most common and challenging tasks for the marine aquarist. Many of these problems are directly associated with excessive nutrient concentrations. Natural coral reefs are typically nutrient-poor and free from smothering forms of benthic…

JBJ Arctica Titanium Chiller, Is Your Tank Ready For The Summer Heat?

Stable water parameters are the key to aquarium success, which includes stable water temperature. If you start to notice your tank temperature consistently creeping above 78°F or 25.5°C during the summer months it’s probably time you invest in a chiller.…

Global Survey Found Sharks Were Missing From Twenty Percent Of Coral Reefs Worldwide

Over the past decades, shark populations around the world have been dwindling. Overexploitation for shark fins, and by catch from commercial fishing has lead to a sever inbalance in the worlds shark population. Unfortunately, the problem is compounded as most…

Tigahboy Macroalgae Tank – Reef Builders Featured Tank

We recently when we came across this 9 gallon macroalgae tank and reached out to Tigahboy to feature his creation on Reef Builders. It’s not often we come across such a healthy example of a simple planted saltwater aquariums so…

Seadreams Teases The Maldive Project A Custome All In One Aquarium

Last week we showed you the Seadreams biological filter reactor, and alongside aquarium equipment, this artisanal Spanish manufacturer also creates complete reef systems. If you’re looking for a unique customizable aquarium, Seadreams might just well be the setup for you.…

Proteus Is An Ambitious Underwater Research Station Planned For Curaçao

Proteus is an ambitious underwater research station that could one-day welcome scientists and researchers 60 feet below the sea in Curaçao. The project is spearheaded by aquanaut Fabien Cousteau and industrial designer Yves Béhar and is conceived as the underwater…

Fish Got Ich? Kick It With Fritz FixIck

Fritz FixIck is a revolutionary new way to treat aquatic external parasites including Ick, Chilodonella, Trichodina and Tetrahymena. As one of the most common diseases most aquarists will encounter, finding an Ick treatment that is simple, safe, and highly effective can be difficult.  Fritz…

Coral Lok Makes Planting Coral Frags As Simple As Twist And Go

The Coral Lok system is a two-part design with a screw-shaped frag plug that fits into modular reef cells embedded with a female threaded Coral Lok receiver. The system is currently designed for coral restoration projects on the natural reef, however, aquarists…

AquaBee Introduces UP 12,000 24Volt Controllable Feed Pump

The UP 12,000 electronic V24 is a new feed pump, which was developed for the highest demands of salt and freshwater aquarists. This return pump is specially designed to overcome extreme heights with a maximum head pressure up to 10…

Quick Tips For Fragging Chalice Corals With Gallery Aquatica TV

Ania is back with another episode of the frag files! This time she is showing us a few quick tips for fragging chalice corals. Check out the video below, or on the Gallery Aquatica YouTube Channel to learn more about…