bali aquarium

An eye for a Bigeye

The family Priacanthidae, more commonly known as Catalufas and Bigeyes, are strange looking fish that look less out of place with Alice and her wonderland than in the ocean. The family comprises of roughly twenty species, in four genera namely Cookeolus, Heteropriacanthus,…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Pseudojuloides kaleidos, in all its beautiful forms

Of all the labrids that enter the trade, none are quite as refreshing and unorthodox as Pseudojuloides. Wrasses are social butterflies that are found in haremic groups. usually of a single male and multiple females. As such, maintaining a species of…

Wild-looking anemone has colorful furry tentacles

Anemones come in all shapes and sizes, colors and textures, and some even actively try to mimic stony corals. Recently however, a very unusual anemone was acquired by Unique Corals which looks inherently unique. At first glance this anemone appears…

The elusive and illusory Synchiropus circularis shows up at Bali Aquarium

Synchiropus is an immaculate genus famed for the unorthodox juxtaposition between cute and freaky. Their martian like faces with huge bulging eyes and pursed lips coupled with their undulating fin movements make for a highly peculiar animal. In the aquarium context,…

“Eclectus” mushroom anemone takes Jawbreaker shrooms to a whole new level

The Jawbreaker mushroom is the strain of ‘Discosoma’ which single handedly showed us that mushroom anemones could be a striking aquarium animal and that Corallimorphs have plenty of strains worth collecting. The new Eclectus mushrooms from Bali aquarium raise the bar once…

Coral of the Month: Introducing the Hurlock Acropora from Bali Aquarium

Today we kick off the start of our Coral of the Month series in conjunction with Bali Aquarium. What makes this series unique is that in most cases we will try to tell you about a new coral both how…

‘Hidden Gardens’ is a sneak peek at one of MACNA’s high profile presentations

MACNA is still eight months away yet already a new movie from Wallacea Films is stoking our need to see one of MACNA’s most exciting new speakers. As if Sabine Penisson’s visit to Bali Aquarium‘s coral farm and the announcement…