rvs fishworld

New Pink Spot Firefish is Only The Second of its Kind!
When we first reported on the existence of a common firefish with a large, unusual pink spot on its side, we thought for sure this was a fluke. Like the metallic green-faced goby, we thought that since the pink spot…
The Blue Pufferfish Is Even More Colorful When Small

A Blue Pufferfish might seem like a mythical creature but there is in fact at least one real fish which lays claim to the name. The pelagic porcupine puffer, Diodon hystrix, is a mysterious fish that is a gorgeous steely blue…

Neat Scribbled Watanabei Angelfish Brought up by RVS Fishworld

Genicanthus swallowtail angelfish are among the most uniform and consistent looking members of the angelfish family. This makes it all that more exciting when an unusual specimen turns up, such as this scribbled watanabei angelfish from RVS Fishworld.  This male…

New Multibar Venustus Hybrid Angelfish Has the Most Radical Pattern Ever

There’s a new specimen of a hybrid of multibar and venustus angelfish and this one’s a doozy. Recently collected in the Philippines by RVS Fishworld, this is one of the most beautiful specimens of this very rare cross that we’ve…

Gorgeous Aberrant Dottybacks Collected in Philippines

Pictichromis dottybacks are a staple of the marine aquarium hobby, with strawberry and diadema dottybacks being a common and hardy fish well suited for beginner reef tanks. Since these fish are so abundant and often seen in tanks and stores,…

Cherry Fairy Wrasse is an Exciting New Cirrhilabrus from the Philippines

The Cherry Fairy Wrasse is a new species of Cirrhilabrus which has just been discovered in the Philippines. The new fairy wrasse is wildly distinct from any known species of Cirrhilabrus, but shares a few similarities with some common, popular marine aquarium…

Xanthic undulated triggerfish makes annual appearance from Philippines

The xanthic undulated triggerfish is a mystery among aberrant reef fish, but thankfully we don’t usually have to wait too long in between freshly caught specimens. At a rate of roughly one xanthic Balistapus undulatus every twelve months or se,…

Top 10 crazy clownfish collected in the Philippines recently

Over the last few months, RVS Fishworld has been crushing it with their offering of awesome Filipino reef fish. This high level of quality fish is particularly evident when it comes to collecting rare, aberrant, hybrid and otherwise really unusual clownfish…

Black tomato clownfish shown off by RVS Fishworld

A black tomato clownfish has recently been collected by RVS Fishworld in the Northern Philippines, and this one’s a beauty! Tomato clownfish are so named for their overall red body coloration which is transected only on the face behind the…

Tiger angelfish discovered in Madagascar!

The fish life of Madagascar is very poorly known when it comes to the aquarium hobby. Certain illustrious species like the Madagascar flasher wrasse beckon to us from behind the third world curtain, but a new discovery in this part…