
Blue Dragon Acro tops the list of must-have Bali Deepwater Acropora

The Blue Dragon Acro, a variant of Acropora walindii, has been available in the reef aquarium hobby infrequently ever since Bali first started shipping maricultured Acropora. With all those cool Mariculture Acros coming out of Bali these days, recently the Blue Dragon Acro…

Red Cycloseris shows up at Happy Coral

Red disc corals are hot, and red Cycloseris are even hotter. It’s been a while since we saw a good killer red Cycloseris so you can imagine our reaction when we heard that not one, but two red Cycloseris showed up at…

Reef aquarium time lapse video shows behavior of coral polyps

There’s nothing like a good reef aquarium time lapse video to remind us that corals are animals like us, reacting to their environment in their own way, everyday. This time lapse video of a reef aquarium shows a wide range…

ORA Pink Stylo returns to reefing for a second round

The ORA Pink Stylo, Stylophora pistillata is back in action after a long leave of absence from ORA’s stocklist. Stylophora pistillata as a species is highly variable in growth form with strains like the ORA purple stylo aka ‘Milka Stylo‘ growing thick…

Open brain corals are perfectly capable of catching small healthy reef fish

It’s pretty common knowledge that anemones of any kind can easily catch small fish, or specimens that are weakened from stress or injury, but you don’t really expect that from corals. Sure we’ve all seen the evidence of open brains…

The Coral Bin adds new twist to WYSIWYG Coral retailing

The Coral Bin, a new upstart WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) coral livestock company has recently launched. With traditional WYSIWYG outlets, you go through rows and rows of thumbnails looking for a particular species or animal that…

At Pitcairn Island, macro algae are one of the main reef builders

At Pitcairn Island in the Southern Pacific Ocean, a plethora of beautiful and unique macro algaes are well represented in myriad forms. Beautiful fleshy algaes, branching coralline and leafy brown algaes are extremely well represented according to a new survey…

Coldwater Marine Aquatics launches first Oregon coldwater retail operation

Cold water aquariums are just plain awesome, and have always captured our hearts in the past. Steve Weast’s 400 gallon cold water reef is just simply spectacular, and the Scandinavian reefs we covered were stunning as well. Now Coldwater Marine…

Stellar, simple soft coral and LPS tank is a masterpiece of father and son collaboration

This stellar soft coral reef tank really needs no words.Even though stony, azoox and uber-rare reefs are all the rage, stepping back with some simple soft corals is a welcome break and this tank shows just how nice it can…

Blastomussa loyae resurrected as a valid species from the Red Sea

Blastomussa loyae was first described from the Red Sea in 1978 as a separate species from Blastomussa merleti due to the separated walls and ‘irregular voids’ in the corallites of colonies. Blastomussa loyae was first discovered growing in abundance alongside B. merleti but…