
Featured posts

Chasing Coral is A Much Overdue Documentary on the Plight of Coral Reefs

Chasing Coral is a new documentary that aims to document the increasing plight of corals around the world. The new coral movie premiered this weekend at the Sundance Film Festival and it was produced by Exposure Labs, makers of the…

Come Along on a Trek from America to Palau

The world is a big place but with modern travel, it’s possible to get from one side to the other in civilized fashion. We travel a lot to find the best stories and see the greatest animals, and sometimes it…

Reef Builders Editor’s Choice: 10 best new products of 2016!

Another year has come and gone, and that means that it’s time for one of everyone’s favorite posts, the annual Reef Builders Editor’s Choice Awards. It’s crazy to think that what was once a novel exercise on our part has become…

Most Popular Reef Aquarium Stories of 2016!

Our annual roundup of 2016’s best stories is one of our favorite times, when we reflect on the most popular stories that You the readers liked the most. As much as any other recent year, two thousand and sixteen had…

Best New Fish Species of 2016

2016 was chock full of new species of reef fish, more than any other year in recent memories. We had new species of wrasse, Anthias, basslets and of course, plenty of gobies but in contrast to other years, these didn’t absolutely…

The Last Recap Episode of the Year

It’s been a crazy year of cool reef gear, new reef species, and mind blowing corals. As the world winds down for the holidays, we managed to squeeze in one more episode of our new weekly recap video series.  These new medium…

Catch up on the week with the newest Reef Builders Recap Video

The world might be closing in on the Holiday season but that hasn’t stopped us from uncovering a whole lotta great news over the last week. We’ve seen a load of new fish species described, some exciting and unusual corals,…

KH Guardian is the First Alkalinity Controller to go on sale

Alkalinity controllers have been bubbling into reality for most of this year and it seems like we can finally look forward to the first commercially made unit. CoralVue has just posted a pre-sale page for the first 100 units of…

Trophy Aquarium Fish From The Aquatic Experience

Aquarium fish competitions have been a mainstay of the freshwater aquarium hobby for generations. A long culture of fish breeding as the culmination of being a good freshwater aquarist has resulted in many annual aquariums competitions throughout the year, all over…

Top 10 Most Expensive Aquarium Fish (Video)

If there’s one thing that Reef Builders has become known for during our career of writing about aquarium topics, is having the pulse on all the rarest, and most expensive, fish in the aquarium hobby. These range from the tiniest…