Bali Aquarium has just come out with an Indonesian strain of Green Apple Acropora spathulata. After a collecting trip in central Indonesia last year, three fragments were collected out of the first ever colony of this species discovered in Indonesia. This…
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Eco-Lamps Spectra SP200 Is A Worthy Next Generation Reef Light
The Spectra SP200 is an exciting new LED reef aquarium light which brings with it a full suite of next generation features. Wireless control, tons of blue colors, plenty of control channels and a built-in color LCD display are all…
LupyLED makes North American Debut at Aquatic Experience
The LupyLED has been a long time coming and finally, this ambitious light has made its debut in North America. Last weekend at the Aquatic Experience in Chicago, LupyLED demoed their vision for LED lighting in the aquarium world, to the delight…
Stunning Adult Tiger Angelfish Sighted On The Outskirts of Chicago
The Tiger Angelfish is one of the most striking and exotic species of marine angelfish. Last week while speaking at Reefwise on the outskirts of Chicago we had a new opportunity to visit a long term captive Apolemichthys kingi and this…
Sirius XTC by Reef LED Lights Is The Best of DIY Aquarium Lighting
LED lights for our reef aquariums have gotten really, really good in recent years and we’ve seen many great offerings from a diversity of aquarium companies. While most of these fixtures have converged on a similar blueprint and design for…
Skimz Macroalgae Reactor Looks Ready For Primetime
We’ve got a fresh new look at the Skimz macroalgae reactor, and boy has it come a long way from the prototype we spotted in Germany this summer. Gone is the fan-cooled mess that typified the original model, replaced now…
Xanthichthys lineopunctatus, First Encounter With The Mythical Linespot Triggerfish
The linespot triggerfish, Xanthichthys lineopunctatus is a species of marine fish so rare, that we’d never seen one, until last week. While visiting Reefwise on the outskirts of Chicago, we finally got to see this nigh-mythical triggerfish in person for…
Two Crazy Piebald Scopas Tang Join The World Wide Corals Family
Aberrant, tricolor and piebald scopas tangs are among the most highly coveted exotic reef fish. World Wide Corals definitely help the movement along with their world-famous white tang Casper, and now they’ve added a couple more gems to their Zebrasoma family. …
‘Tank Raised’ Purple Tangs Coming Soon From Sri Lanka
Aquamarines in Sri Lanka was the procurer of the wildly scribbled Koran angelfish, and they will soon be the source of tank raised purple tangs. Before you go getting all excited about another surgeonfish captive breeding breakthrough, realize that although…
Juvenile Scribbled Koran Angelfish is a Hot Mess of Stripes
This scribbled juvenile angelfish is so bizarre it just about knocked us out of our chair. We’ve seen a few unusual looking angelfish in our day but this wildly scribbled Pomacanthus semicirculatus takes the cake. The Koran angelfish is so named…