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The Kitchen Sink Reef Tank is a Tour of Coral Diversity [Video]

We’ve always said that a reef tank should be more than the sum of its parts and that you don’t need any spectacular corals to have a spectacular reef tank. A perfect case study in this aspect of reefing philosophy is…

How to Achieve the Best Coral Coloration [Podcast]

If there’s one single topic that beginner to intermediate reef builders most want to know about it’s how to have the most colorful corals possible. The subject of coral coloration is a delicate and challenging topic that we’ve been asked…

How to Frag Acropora tortuosa [Video]

Acropora tortuosa is one of the most beloved strains of SPS coral in the reef aquarium hobby being celebrated by the classic Oregon Tort, California Tort, Miyagi Tort and our very own Immortal Tort. Like many other A. tortuosa the…

How to Restore an Old Scratched Up Aquarium [Video]

Today’s aquariums are predominantly made of glass but many larger tanks and those made in unique shapes and sizes are quite often acrylic. Here in the US we have a huge pool of old and used acrylic tanks that can…

New ‘Chainlink’ Maroon Clownfish Discovered in Papua New Guinea

The Chainlink Maroon Clownfish is a new aberrant individual of Premnas biaculeatus that was just collected in Papua New Guinea by Golden Ocean. While the discovery of the Chainlink Maroon Clownfish is an awesome surprise, it’s less of a shocker to…

10 of our Favorite Acropora Colonies at Top Shelf Aquatics [Video]

These are challenging times for SPS enthusiast looking for representations of larger corals that are approaching a somewhat mature size, and it gets even harder if you want to see corals in more natural, balanced daylight spectrum to bring out…

Aperture Pet & Life is formed to join BRS, EcoTech, and Neptune Systems brands

Aperture Pet & Life is a new company which was announced today to amalgamate and further develop some of our favorite reefkeeping brands. Last year investment group Bertram Capital acquired Bulk Reef Supply (which then bought Marine Depot,) then they…

Reef Therapy Session with Steve Weast A.K.A. OregonReef

Steve Weast is an aquarist with an outsized influence on the reef aquarium hobby and even if you don’t know who he is, chances are that he he inspired someone that you do know. Despite having only shared one example…

Red Sea ReefMat Review – The Best Auto Filter Roll to Date

The Red Sea ReefMat Review is one of the easiest reviews we’ve ever done and in a way we’ve been working up to this moment for the better part of a decade. It’s no secret that we have been massive…

Reef Delete Review – Sound in Concept but Not in Practice

Ultraviolet light is a form of high energy radiation which has a number of uses in our daily lives as well as our aquariums. The C-band of UV light is used to sterilize food and medical equipment and we use…