
Things With Stings Reef is a collection of all things venomous

Every so often reefkeepers push the boundaries of what’s possible in an aquarium. Tom Hone is one such aquarist, who through passion, drive and determination has introduced a world-class collection of venomous fish species to his 146-gallon mixed reef. His…

Eviota fluctiphila is a new Dwarfgoby from the Western Pacific

A new species of Dwarfgoby has been described from West Papua. The species has been named the Surge Dwarfgoby, Eviota fluctiphila, by Greenfield, Erdmann, and Mambrasar, and joins 128 other species in the genus Eviota, now the second most speciose…

Quality Marine’s Citron gobies come in several funky flavors

Citron gobies come in many colors from lemon to mustard yellow, brown to black, but these specimens from Quality Marine are definitely in the in-between category. Gobiodon citrinus are widespread in nature, inhabiting reefs off Africa, Asia, and Oceania, and…

A Spectrum of Xanthic Eibli Angelfish from Reef Pro

The xanthic aberration of some pygmy angelfish is a mystery that has puzzled exotic saltwater aquarists for years and the rabbit hole is about to get a whole lot deeper. Recently a number of very interesting Centropyge eibli were collected from the…

Muricella: Pygmy Kingdom !

Following our series on coral host to famous critter subject, here is another important one, that everybody has high on their list of Holy Grail ! The host of the King of all critters, the Pygmy Seahorse, Hippocampus bargibanti. This…

Stumbling on the Holy Grail of UW Photographer…

Now that we are in Bali, yesterday we decided to go the diving some of the close by, classic eastern cost dive site. We headed to Pandang Bai… This place is quite famous for white sand macro, and we knew…

Juvenile Orbicular Batfish Looks Just Like A Dead Leaf

Orbicular Batfish It’s common to find dead leaves floating around in the ocean surf, but take a closer look and you might be surprised to find a perfectly camouflaged fish mimicking these dead leaves. Platax orbicularis also known as the…