
The Hidden Aquatic Gems of Tampa Bay Florida

Many people vacation around or near Tampa Bay in the beautiful sunny state of Florida. Sadly most of those people have little to no idea of the diversity of organisms that lie below the surface of the Bay. I have…

The Mother of all Cynarina lacrymalis found on the Great Barrier Reef

Ania Nerowski, our own Australian-based coral nerd, has reported to us a fantastic coral that showed up in Australia. Cynarina lacrymalis, the Button Coral, is normally a solitary, monocentric, one polyp, one mouth coral. Double or triple heads sometimes show…

Tour of a PACKED Reef Tank Run by Konstantinos Michalopoulos in NORWAY

A recent trip to Norway presented the opportunity to visit Konstantinos Michalopoulos and enjoy his jam packed Red Sea Reefer 250, which is the feature of today’s video. Such exceptional displays are a bit of a rarity in Norway, and…

Chameleon Pachies are Packed with Color

Acanthastrea pachysepta is one of the most recognizable and hardy LPS corals even if they are still commonly confused with Lobophyllia. Ever since this coral was imported, we knew it couldn’t be mixed with any Lobophyllia without a risk of being…

Acid Trip Cyphastrea Just Melted My Brain

Ultra Coral Australia, the famous Australian coral business owned by master coral collector and farmer Nic Dos Santos, just showed us some pictures of a Cyphastrea coral that blew our mind! Multicolored Cyphastrea are quite a common sight. But this…

Maldivian Koi tang comes with valuable catch information

For every aberrant koi tang we feature here at Reef Builders, we’re bombarded by about six more from around the globe. To the point where we weren’t even going to feature this fish, based just on its looks and high…

Captive Bred Yellow Tangs from Biota are the only option!

All of you should know by now, that the aquarium fishery in Hawaii has been shut down so wild yellow tang are not available anymore. Luckily, Biota company invested few years ago together with Oceanic Institute in Hawaii into commercial…

Yellow Koi Scopas Tang is a Filipino Banana Split

Zebrasoma scopas is a widespread but highly variable surgeonfish species, with unusual color aberrations that are prized by the reefkeeping world. The Indian and Pacific Oceans have produced many freaks over the years from as far apart as Kenya to…

CITES Europe to Discuss Restrictions on Australian Corals

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species will meet on December 3rd to discuss the collection and export of certain hard coral species from Australia.

Scientists In Australia Have Discover A Towering Detached Reef

Scientists from the Schmidt Ocean Institute team have made a new discovery, a massive detached coral reef in the Great Barrier Reef–the first to be discovered in over 120 years. The towering reef measures more than 500m high–taller than the…