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Friday Smorgasbord: Why fish smell, stupid human tricks, circuit pen, cold corals, nudis and more

Welcome to this addition of the Friday Smorgasbord. We have a few fun ones lined up for you today. Ever wonder what makes fish smell, well fishy? It has to do with the natural process of decay and some physiology…

While Blue LED inventors get Nobel Prize, father of LEDs still snubbed

LED lighting is probably one of the most significant industry advancements in the last 20 years and has far-reaching implications outside of the world of aquariums . This has been validated with the awarding of the 2014 Nobel Prize in…

This video is mandatory watching for anyone who deals with LFS

Let’s face it, there’s been a huge shift in the dynamics of the marine aquarium hobby and industry over the last ten years. For the most part the aquarist as a consumer has gotten increasingly closer to the source of…

Neat video recounts the history and beginnings of Ecotech Marine

After years of using certain marine aquarium products and seeing their ads in various aquarium publications, it’s easy to let yourself believe that some companies are mega corporations that just crank out pumps and lights in a factory. Some aquarium…

The Ambio lamps glows from bioluminescent bacteria

The Ambio lighting concept is a new kind of “artificial” light source which is powered by a truly ancient process, bioluminescence. Filled with Photobacterium species of light-producing bacteria, the Ambio is not powered by electricity but instead powered by biology and…

“What good are refugiums?” and two more talks from MACNA 2014

Another week brings the release of three more videos from Bulk Reef Supply TV of the MACNA 2014 presentations. Two of those we haven’t yet seen either in person or in video but they are both on exciting aquarium topics, collecting…

The Show Episode 5: Jake & Vincent talk about coral farming and diving the Flores Sea

If you don’t know who Vincent Chalias is by now you must have been living under a very big piece of live rock. Following on the successes of Bob Mankin in the Solomon Islands and Walt Smith in Fiji, Mr.…

Jim Walters, Walt Smith and Rufus Kimura’s MACNA presentations now online

MACNA 2014 may be long over but thanks to the hard work by the folks over at Bulk Reef Supply, there’s still a steady weekly flow of MACNA presentation videos. The MACNA 2014 organizers worked very hard to reach outside…

Friday Smorgasbord: Reef smells, dogs, camo and drones

It has been far too long between posting our last Friday Smorgasbord and since summer is nearly over and we are all back to the normal grind, it made sense to dust off the typewriter and craft a new smorgasbord…

First four MACNA 2014 speaker videos now available to view online

The Marine Aquarium Conference of North America is such a seminal event in the marine aquarium community, it’s a gem to be able to gather once a year with friends and colleagues from all over the world. One of the…