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Go Dive Now: Try Scuba Diving at the Denver Aquarium June 30 & 31

Aquariums and scuba diving tabbed as two of the most expensive hobbies! Well, not today my friends. This weekend, you can try scuba diving for FREE in the Go Dive Now pool on wheels, outside the Denver Aquarium. July 30 & 31 from…

The Top 5 Tips for Beginner Reefkeepers

I started the hobby before the internet became widely used, and information was sourced mainly through local fish stores. I was lucky enough to have some decent ones, but it was limited, no doubt. Today, beginning hobbyists have to deal…

This sea slug wants to be a fish so bad…

Most of us fantasize about being something we were not — Hermy wanted to be a dentist, everyone wanted to be like Mike and this sea slug wants to be a fish. Meet Phylliroe, a nudibranch that is about the size…

The tiny Hairy Octopus is an irresistible puffball of cuteness

The tiny Hairy Octopus is one of the cutest creatures we have come across, and at around 5cm (2inch) long, you won’t want to blink or you might miss it. This well disguised cephalopod gets it names from the long ‘hairy’…

Racing Extinction a film by The Oceanic Preservation Society

The Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS) is back with a new film called Racing Extinction, a documentary which sets out to expose the undercover world of endangered species and the race to protect them against mass extinction.

Video: Stunning adult blue squamosa clam in Tulamben, Bali

When it comes to giant clams, very few species can truly grab our attention like a nice, big, blue squamosa clam. Sure our heads will turn for a crazy rare Tonga Devil clam, an African Costata clam, blue Derasa clams…

‘Blue Dragon’ sea slug washed ashore in Australia

The Blue Dragon sea slug is one of the reasons we love the underrated nudibranch so much. With bright and vivid colors, a surreal shape and deadly behavior, the Blue Dragon is certainly a sight to see. You might see…

First trailer for Finding Dory movie

Finding Dory is the highly anticipated sequel to the incredibly popular Finding Nemo movie. After years of waiting to find out what this new movie would be about, we finally have a our first Finding Dory trailer. The Finding Dory…

Spiny Sea Dragon successfully captive bred in New Zealand

The Spiny Sea Dragon is an exquisite marine fish which often takes a back seat to the much better known and more ostentatious leafy and weedy sea dragons. The only time we’ve ever come across this species in our ongoing research…

The Great Barrier Reef Foundations announced the Winner of the 2015 Bommie Award

Patrick Buerger, a German-born PhD candidate from the Townsville’s Australian Institute of Marine Science has been awarded the grand prize of $5000 AUS for his 360 degree film titled, Coral disease treatment with phage therapy. Buerger’s creative use of technology…