
Aqua Sanrise Nano Wave is one gorgeous small LED light

The Nano Wave LED light from Aqua Sanrise is arguably one of the swankiest little light engines we’ve seen for entry level, solid state lighting fixtures in quite some time. LED technology doesn’t have to be through the roof for…

Coeloplana: Benthic ctenophores living right under your nose

Ctenophora is a phylum of marine animals most commonly referred to as comb jellies. You may have seen these in various documentaries, manifesting themselves as gelatinous geometric shapes fringed in movable cilia and psychedelic disco lights. This phylum is huge and…

AquaReef X Series and Pro Series LED lights launched in Turkey

AquaReef is one of the only aquarium light manufacturers from Turkey and have a pair of LED lights they have recently launched. When we last wrote about AquaReef, they were focused on T5 and T5/LED hybrid lights, but are now…

How easy is it to add an Avast Marine recirculating media reactor retrofit kit? Pretty simple

So just how easy is it to add an Avast Marine recirculating media reactor retrofit kit to your media reactor? Pretty simple by the looks of this video. We covered the conversion kit last year and if you have a media…

Watch coral spawning in captivity at Horniman Museum and Gardens in London

We wrote about how Jamie Craggs has been recreating coral spawning in captivity at the Horniman Museum and Gardens in London before, but seeing it in action is simply amazing. Watch this stunning video to see how he successfully triggered a mass spawning in…

The rarely seen Striking Sea Star

Despite the diversity of sea stars that abound in tropical waters, relatively few species find their way into aquariums with any regularity. One of the most interesting species—morphologically, behaviorally and evolutionarily—is also one of the most seldomly encountered: the “Striking…

Mocha Frostbite Clownfish are one of the Newest Designer Hybrids has started offering one of the latest permutations of designer hybrid clownfishes, the Mocha Frostbite. It didn’t take rocket science to create this new variation. At its core, the Mocha hybrid has been around for over a decade, being the…

Advancing technology helps build a more realistic robotic fish

We have covered robitic fish quite extensively, but recent advancements in technology and the availability of cutting edge “off the shelf” technology in the new maker movement, robotic fish  are getting more advanced and approachable. Take for instance Maurizio Porfiri,…

New Marine Depot video shows how to make an attractive Aquarium screen top

Screen tops are the best way to keep fish from jumping out of the aquarium. For many years, glass tops were the preferred way to keep fish inside the aquarium, preventing them from going carpet surfing. Just about every plastic-braced…

The Flowave is a real life wavemaker

If you wanted to build the ultimate water flow creating aquarium, it would look something like the Flowave, a huge circular flow generating pool that is in a league of its own. The Flowave is 5 meters deep, 25 meters in…