
Casper the white tang has undergone a radical transformation

Casper the world-famous all-white yellow tang is quickly becoming the best documented specimen of a surgeonfish in aquariums, or in the wild. From humble beginnings in mid-2010, the little blanchedĀ Zebrasoma flavescens first gained notoriety as one of the crowning animals…

Current-USA Satellite Plus PRO refines an already impressive light

The new Current-USA Satellite Plus PRO may be a freshwater LED light, but the improvementĀ in this fixture over previous designs gives us hope we will see something similar in the Orbit Marine line in the upcoming months. The Satellite Plus…

Rainbow basslet video shows the full glory of Liopropoma fasciatum

A nice close up video is theĀ culmination of finally getting a healthy and stunning example of a fish that up until a month ago was unknown in the hobby. We are speaking of course of the fabulous rainbow basslet from…

Huge spawning fish swarms in Palau really are Unique Dive Expeditions

The internet is full of superlatives related to all kinds of topics but we’re planting a flag in this virtual ground, and stating outright that these videos of mass spawning aggregations from Unique Dive Expeditions are some of the most…

Descending devices allow fisherman to release deep sea fish unharmed

Principle tenets of being responsible aquarists and fisherman is to be good stewards of the resources that we’ve been endowed. For aquarists this means sourcing sustainably caught or captive bred fish, and for fisherman this means releasing fish that are…

Temporary quarantine tank can make a fascinating display

When you picture a quarantine tank for receiving and conditioning marine aquarium fish, images of a scuzzy, bare bones glass tank with salt creep all over probably come to mind first. Indeed, aquarists have treated quarantine tanks as a “necessary…

Atlantis Aquarium of Germany shows off a stunning trio of Pseudojuloides atavai

Pseudojuloides is a wonderful albeit surprisingly unpopular genus of sand dwelling wrasse that deserves more attention. Out of slightly more than a dozen members including several new and undescribed species, none is more captivating and beautiful as Pseudojuloides atavai. Hailing…

Centropyge debelius literally scrapes through 2014 by the skin of its teeth

Well what did we tell you. Didn’t we mention it’s very likely that a super cool fish will swoop in at the last minute just before the year closes to shock everyone? In what seems like a yearly tradition, 2014…

Palau Deep Reef fish collecting video released in full

The Palau Deep Reef collection video is infamous for documenting some of our best deep diving ichthyologists “at work” while sounding like Donald Duck. First revealed to the aquarium hobby during the 2008 MACNA Keynote in Atlanta, this video has…

BioSPON hybrid sponge filter has more than one trick up its sleeve

The humble sponge filter is the unheralded hero of aquarium keeping which first made it possible to both filter and aerate aquariums in the early days of aquarium keeping. We can think of almost nothing that has changed about sponge…