EcoBak EZ is a new line of biopellets from Warner Marine, designed to be used without the need for a dedicated biopellet reactor. Biopellets have proven to be an effective method for reducing nutrients in marine aquariums, especially for helping to…
Search Results For: Warner Marine
Warner Marine EcoBak Plus is packed with a diversity of carbon and polymer
EcoBAK Plus is a new biopellet formulation from Warner Marines which is endowed with more than the average bio-polymer. We know of many different reefers who add varied carbon sources to their reef aquariums, like vodka and vinegar, and others…
Warner Marine ecoBAK NWF “biopellet sheets” are a new way to think about carbon dosing
Warner Marine ecoBAK NWF (non-woven fiber) is an extremely interesting concept, take a widely popular carbon dosing solution such as biopellets and reshape it into “biopellet sheets”. Those sheets now perform the same functions as biopellets but can be used…
Vertex Vectra protein skimmer cleaner goes for a spin on a Warner Marine MF201
The Vertex Vectra protein skimmer neck cleaner is a product we were keen to try out, especially in conjunction with a protein skimmer from a different manufacturer, in this case Warner Marine. Whereas some Vertex products carry a top shelf…
Warner Marine expands and improves additive line
Warner Marine, a company most known for their Skimmers recently completely re-did their additive line. Around 12 new products will be added including basic Trace Elements and Amino Acids. Beside the more standard additives some other products such as a bacteria…
Up close and personal with a Warner Marine MF201 protein skimmer
The Warner Marne MF Series protein skimmers represent at least three years of research in design and manufacturing (that we know of). What started out as the Warner Marine K1 and K2 cone body protein skimmer made by JNS are…
First look at Warner Marine’s blue-trimmed MF series cone protein skimmers
Warner Marine’s Skimz-built cone protein skimmers are almost ready for release and in these final production shots you can see how Warner has made these skimmers their own. The Warner Marine MFseries cone protein skimmers are based off the Skimz…
Hands-on with new Warner Marine MF-Series skimmers
We had the chance to get a close, hands-on look at the new Warner Marine MF-Series skimmers we wrote about last week at Reef-A-Palooza last weekend and we have to say, there are some nice features built into these skimmers.…
Warner Marine partners with Skimz on upcoming MF-Series skimmers
Warner Marine has partnered with Singapore-based Skimz on the upcoming MF-Series protein skimmers being unveiled at Reef-A-Palooza this weekend. For those of you waiting for the Skimz to reach North America, the new Warner Marine MF-Series skimmers are definitely worth checking out. Similar…
Warner Marine signs exclusive distribution agreement with Sunlight Supply
Warner Marine has inked an exclusive nationwide distribution agreement with Sunlight Supply making it easier for you to get access to everything in the Warner Marine product line. With Sunlight Supplies seven distribution hubs around the U.S., most fish stores…