Remy’s AquaBiomics Test Reveals Both Fish and Coral Pathogens in His Tank!

Setting up new tanks can be daunting for beginners, but even experienced aquarists can come up against new hurdles, and an exploratory AquaBiomics test on Remy’s still new Red Sea Reefer G2 625 revealed both fish and coral pathogens are…

John Sorkness is the God of Gig Anemones

Salem Clemens talks to John Sorkness about Carpet Anemones, how to ID them, keep them, propagate them, and maybe even spawn them! Tell us what got you into the hobby, how long you’ve been in it, and your passion for…

Understanding the Coral Biome and Microbiome

As our understanding of corals and coral reefs has increased over the past few decades it has become increasingly clear that a coral reef and even each individual coral is far more diverse than we ever would have expected. Having…

Why Coral Collectors Trim Corals and Why You Should Trim Them Too. 

Have you wondered why some corals look the way they do when you buy them at your aquarium store? Some with a flat base cut, some with grinding marks on them, and other man-made alterations. You might have seen this…

Only Bad Things Happen Fast: How to Avoid Beginner Mistakes

Wouldn’t it be nice if before you started a project you knew what to look out for so that you could avoid costly mistakes? Like when you started to drive you understood that the police would be looking at you…

Poma Labs WYSIWYG Stubby Conspic Pair Promises to Divide Opinion

Angelfish aquaculturists Poma Labs are offering a pair of short-bodied Spectacled Angelfish, Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus for sale on their website. Conspic angels are one of the most coveted large Angelfish species available to saltwater aquarium owners, although usually they are rectangular…

What you need to know about Water Changes

When it comes to the most basic of maintenance tasks to be done the first one that comes to mind is the water change. As important as it is, it is also one of the least glamorous and least fun…

What is Coral Polycropping?

In this new series, I will discuss strategies you can use with current technology to help mitigate the risk of coral disease in your reef tank. In this first installment, I will cover the benefits of polycropping. Polycropping vs Monocropping…

How to deal with Coral Aggression

After discussing coral selection, quarantining, placement, and nutrition there is still one other aspect of their keeping that needs to be considered, coral aggression. Since corals are sedentary and cannot move once they have settled into place or been mounted…

Cracking the Distichopora Code – A Closer Look at Stylasterid Hydrocorals

If you ever came across a colony of Distichopora at your local reef shop, you know that is it super difficult not to be enamored by the sheer beauty of these stunning hydrocorals. Despite their elegance, they are almost completely…