AquaRay P5 and P9 are the latest LED Light fixtures from TMC

Tropical Marine Centre has released a new LED aquarium light called AquaRay. Long-term European reefers will already be very familiar with the AquaRay brand name, as TMC was one of the pioneers of LED aquarium lighting some 15 years ago…

Understanding Difficult Fish: Why Expert Only Isn’t a Simple Term

When I was a brand new hobbyist, one of the facets of keeping fish I enjoyed most was research. Like most scientifically inclined people, learning about livestock was (and is) something I spent immense amounts of my free time doing.…

How to Quarantine Copperbands and Get Them Feeding

One of the most stunning marvels of the reef, the Copperband Butterflyfish, Chelmon rostratus, is something of an idol within the reef-keeping industry. Gold and pearly white, these delicate fish flit around tanks with such poise, capturing the eye of…

Old versus new equipment. Which was better? 

With all this talk of live rock and metal halides, it made us take a trip down memory lane, recalling what we did differently in the earlier days of reefing, as well as the equipment and methodologies that have stood…

Green Cabbage Coral is One Of The Best Corals for Beginners

If you’re completely new to reef aquariums or have had a bad run of coral deaths, our featured coral, the Cabbage Coral, is a great coral to add to your tank. As the common name suggests this soft coral looks…

X9 is a Compact New LED Light Fixture from Zetlight

Zetlight has released a new reef aquarium light called the X9. The 5.5” square, compact light fixture features a central LED array and comes in two models – the 66-watt Basic model and the 96-watt Advanced. The outer aluminum housing…

Evaluating the Repeatability and Differences between ICP Tests

By Sanjay Joshi and Richard Ross. ICP testing has become more mainstream in the past few years since it was introduced in the hobby almost a decade ago, but questions about the utility of the testing results remain. ICP testing…

Is Ammonia Dosing a Possible New Way to Provide Coral Nutrition? 

Understanding Coral Diseases as well the nutritional needs of corals has been one of the shortcomings of science and the hobby since Jacques Cousteau introduced us to the coral reefs in the 1960s. We have made extensive progress in improving…

Mike Paletta Beginner Series: The Grand Finale

How do you write the ending for a story that isn’t finished? For the past 52 weeks, I have been writing articles designed to help newcomers to the hobby. The idea for this was not my own, but rather that…

Sustainably Farmed Clams now available from SaltwaterAquarium.Com

Something about giant clams of the genus Tridacna draws us to them. The combination of the tell-tale clam-shaped shell and exquisite mantle color and patterning encapsulates the underwater realm and conjures up far-away Pacific reefs, and another world. With T.gigas,…