Our 10 Favorite Stories from 15 Years of RVS Fishworld

To be honest, the saltwater aquarium hobby would be so much less exciting without RVS Fishworld. Founded by Barnett Shutman and his extended family over fifteen years ago, RVS Fishworld deserves all the air time it receives and then some. …

Cirrhilabrus heterodon: valid species or nah?

Let’s get deep in the weeds with fairy wrasse biogeography, specifically, the Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura group. In 2022, Kai et al enlarged this group with the description of a pair of colorful new species, C. chaliasi and C. aquamarinus, both of…

Studio Vlog 4 & 5: Setting up the Coral Flat and A Sexy First Fish

The Reef Builders Studio is coming along nicely and although it’s a lot of work getting everything started, it’s also a lot of fun. In the previous Vlogs we shared the setup of our first token nano reef tank in…

3.2 Fairy Wrasses: The temminckii group

The temminckii group plays host to some of the genus’ larger and more unappealing species. Burley, pugnacious and often glazed in matte grey, these un-fairy looking fairy wrasses are more often than not associated with the ugly duckling sobriquet. Despite…