Pictichromis dottybacks are a staple of the marine aquarium hobby, with strawberry and diadema dottybacks being a common and hardy fish well suited for beginner reef tanks. Since these fish are so abundant and often seen in tanks and stores,…
Search Results For: aberrant dottyback
White Patch Dottyback is the Newest Aberrantion of Pictichromis
Dottybacks were once one of the most popular groups of marine aquarium fish to be found in every single kind of fish and reef display. However over the years they’ve been overly maligned and it’s now a pleasant surprise to…
Up Close with an Aberrant Pictichromis Dottyback
Dottybacks are some of the most colorful, small & hardy perfect aquarium fish, and this is especially true of the several different species of Pictichromis. These fish are packed with personality and are very easy to care for, but unfortunately they…
Aberrant diadema dottybacks are collected around the Indo-Pacific
We’re not sure what it is about Pictichromis diadema that lends itself to mutations and aberrations of its color pattern seemingly much more often than other species of Pictichromis and Pseudochromis. Is it possible that the unusually colored dottybacks are…
Hybrid Dottyback Still Enjoying Life at the Reef Builders Studio
Abby the ‘aberrant’ dottyback is a unique specimen of Pictichromis that was the first fish we ever got at the Reef Builders Studio. Nearly two years after first receiving this fish and starting it out in its own bare bones nano…
“Leucoxanthic” Pseudochromis is a funky aberrant we’ve never seen before
Aberrant fish show up occasionally from time to time and it’s always a game of roulette as to what form they will take. Pseudochromis are not exclusively spared from such afflictions, although it’s not everyday we come across a unique…
Jimmy Ma’s private collection of dottybacks consists of some really cool species
Having the un-reversable aberrant Coral Beauty Angelfish and the trio of super hot White-Bar Anthias in his collection, Jimmy Ma is certainly no stranger to rare fish. If you think his aberrant C. bispinosa is something to shout about, what…
Unusual dottyback shows inverse coloration of Pictichromis caitlinae
We have here a few images documenting what appears to be a Pictichromis diadema with an unusual magenta coloration. Whereas P. diadema has a patch of magenta solely on the topside of it’s head and anterior part of the body…
Three of Our Favorite Fish and Why We Got Them from TSM Aquatics
As we kick off the new year and take stock of how the Reef Builders Studio is coming along, we are very pleased with how the coral population has grown but we are certainly light in the fish department. There’s…
The ‘Instant Nano Reef’ is Doing Great after Three Months in the Studio
When the build out of the Reef Builders Studio first began, I thought it was fitting and necessary to go ahead and get one token reef tank in there as soon as possible. Since all the big aquariums were still…