Baby bandit angelfish videos from Blue Harbor and B-Box Aquarium

Baby bandit angelfish, Apolemichthys arcuatus, from Hawaii seem to be popping up all over the place and two of Japan’s powerhouse rare fish dealers have stepped up with nice videos of their tiny bandits .Both Blue Harbor and B-Box Aquarium are…

Close up video of Lipogramma klayi from B-box Aquarium

We know it may seem like we have an unhealthy obsession with the rare and cryptic, deepwater Lipogramma klayi but we just can’t help ourselves. It’s only been a few weeks since we posted a video of Lipogramma klayi from…

Blackspot pygmy angelfish video from B-Box Aquarium is probably the world’s first

Last week we brought you sensational never before seen new pictures of a live blackspot pygmy angelfish and this week B-Box Aquarium has the honors. After leaving Reef Solutions Vanuatu who originally collected the fish, B-Box Aquarium purchased this fish…

The yellow slender wrasse, Pseudojuloides xanthomos, is imported for the first time by B-box Aquarium

Recently, B-Box Aquarium discovered a pair of unknown Pseudojuloides wrasse species in a live stock delivery from southern Africa.  The head worker for the shop researched what a kind of species they are and he ended at FishBase. The fish…

Dark Blue midnight pygmy angelfish, Centropge nox, from Fiji at B-box aquarium

The dark blue midnight angelfish from Fiji is an interesting color morph of either Centropyge nox, C. bispinosa or perhaps even a separate species. We had never heard about this particular fish until this weekend when a certain fish nerd…

Lipogramma evides and L. klayi: Some of the best images of these deepwater treasures, courtesy of B-Box Aquarium, Japan

Looks like Japan’s famous B-Box Aquarium got in on the Curacao deepwater fish harvesting action. Even if the Lipogramma klayi is $2000 and the Lipogramma evides is $3000, these pictures are priceless. nuff said.

Hybrid Goldflake x Flagfin Angelfish appears at Japan’s B-Box Aquarium

Hybrid marine angelfish are relatively abundant in the wild and with increasing imports of this popular fish group we are seeing more and more hybrid Pomacanthids. Case in point is this beautiful hybrid flagfin x goldflake angelfish, Apolemichthys trimaculata x…

Six Suitable Alternatives to a Sixline Wrasse, Pseudocheilinus hexataenia

Sixline Wrasses are one of our favorites because they are hardy, cheap, stay small, eat pests, and are readily available. But some reefers report them turning rogue while others crave something more unusual from the hugely diverse wrasse family. Here…

Flashback Friday: Jake’s love for Plectranthias 

When Jake passed away, a lot of tributes said he was a coral man, but if you knew him he would have just as many conversations with people about marine fish. He loved them all, especially the rare ones, and…

The Best Dry Rock For Aquascaping Saltwater Aquariums – Reef Builders Gear Guide

Aquascaping is an art form with a function that goes well beyond aesthetics. A beautiful saltwater reef scape starts with well-designed rocks arranged in just the right way to allow for optimal circulation and aesthetically pleasing features like overhangs, caves,…