The Past, Present, and Future of Torch Corals, Euphyllia glabrescens

Known for their dazzling colors, swaying tentacles, and propensity to sting nearby corals, the Torch Coral, Euphyllia glabrescens, has been a staple of the reef aquarium hobby for decades. And given the continuous discovery of new varieties, this species will…

What’s in Their Water: An Analysis of Core Chemical Parameters Among Vendors at a Coral Show

Last week, I went to Saint Louis (Remy’s stomping grounds) to make content and speak at the Reefing USA coral show. Before coming, Remy had the great idea of testing all the vendor’s systems at the show to analyze potential…

Why Coral Collectors Trim Corals and Why You Should Trim Them Too. 

Have you wondered why some corals look the way they do when you buy them at your aquarium store? Some with a flat base cut, some with grinding marks on them, and other man-made alterations. You might have seen this…

How to Manage Reef Tank Pests

Typically when starting a new project we only see the positive aspects and every task is filled with excitement and anticipation. For instance, when setting up a new garden in the Spring, we cultivate the soil, plant the seeds fertilize…

The Importance of Coral Nutrition

As we have noted in previous articles most aspects of the hobby have some controversy associated with them. Needless to say, coral nutrition is one of them. For many years the general consensus was that all corals needed to thrive…

How and Why to Dip Newly Acquired Corals

After getting corals via the internet or from a local shop they need to be treated for parasites, infections, and other maladies that we do not want to introduce into a tank. I know that shops and online stores will…

FAQs on Coral Sand

Coral sand is one of the first materials that new saltwater aquarium owners add to their tanks. Here we answer your most frequently asked questions on this popular reef aquarium substrate. Do I need to wash coral sand? If the…

How to properly Treat and Dip Newly Acquired Corals

As we have gotten better at keeping our corals and especially propagating them, we have also gotten better at recognizing the many pests that feed on them. As a result, it is now necessary to manage these pests lest they…

Old and New Reef Tank Pests

It seems that when we take two steps forward we often have to take one step back. Such is the case with the success we have had in the hobby. In the early days of the hobby, we were preoccupied…

A Day in the Life of a Coral Farmer

Going out for a drink and meeting people who ask what you do for a living is always amusing when you tell them you farm corals. It’s not often you can delve into the inner workings, hardships, and triumphs of…