Follow this year’s SECORE coral spawning field workshop in Curacao

Just on the off chance you can’t make it out to Curacao this summer, the SECORE team is bringing all the fun from its annual coral spawning field workshop to you via its blog and Facebook page. From August 12-22,…

SECORE is in full swing blogging about the Curacao coral spawning

Another summer season is nearing a close and in the Northern Hemisphere, that means that stony corals are getting horny; elkhorn and staghorn that is. For the last several years, the pre-eminent authority on capturing and rearing coral larvae, SECORE,…

NOAA coral spawning video shows coral doing it

If you’ve ever wanted to see coral spawning, you can either watch this video or start making plans to attend the upcoming coral spawning season in the Caribbean. The coral spawning event is mainly the domain of broadcast spawning corals…

Another Successful Gold Torch Spawning Attempt from Ultra Coral Australia
By: Vincent Chalias For the second year in a row, Ultra Coral Australia (UCA) managed to sexually reproduce Euphyllia glabrescens in their facility in central Queensland. They are currently growing colonies from last year’s spawn. Efforts by the UCA Research…
Annual Coral Mass Spawning in Mozambique

If your first image of Africa isn’t white sand beaches and jaw dropping coral reefs, you’ve probably never been to Mozambique, and the Quirimbas Archipelago is no exception with beaches and reefs as far as the eye can see. The…

Spawning flower anemone lets its gametes go for the Coral Morphologic camera

If you thought flower anemones are cool, check out the appearance of this spawning flower anemone slowly ejecting a mass of white cloudy sperm into the aquarium water. This Epicystis crucifer was getting its sexual spawning on in the lab of…

Heliopora are Not-So-Soft, Soft Corals

Given their common name of soft corals, one would likely assume that octocorals are well… soft. However, as is common in biology, there are always exceptions to rules. Within the Octocorallia, there are a few species that form aragonite-based skeletons,…

The Past, Present, and Future of Torch Corals, Euphyllia glabrescens

Known for their dazzling colors, swaying tentacles, and propensity to sting nearby corals, the Torch Coral, Euphyllia glabrescens, has been a staple of the reef aquarium hobby for decades. And given the continuous discovery of new varieties, this species will…

Is Ammonia Dosing a Possible New Way to Provide Coral Nutrition? 

Understanding Coral Diseases as well the nutritional needs of corals has been one of the shortcomings of science and the hobby since Jacques Cousteau introduced us to the coral reefs in the 1960s. We have made extensive progress in improving…

The Importance of Coral Nutrition

As we have noted in previous articles most aspects of the hobby have some controversy associated with them. Needless to say, coral nutrition is one of them. For many years the general consensus was that all corals needed to thrive…