Pagoda Cup Coral: The Duncan Coral That Never Was

The Duncan coral has always been a staple in the reef aquarium hobby. Despite not having really vibrant colors or any funky name, the Duncan coral still manages to find its way into almost every LFS, as well as the…

Love2Reef is a British Reefing Show Raising Money for a Great Cause

Last weekend I was invited to give a talk at Love2Reef in Essex, England. Love2Reef was devised by British hobbyist Paul Longhurst, who managed to do what many Brits have tried and failed to do in the past – hold…

Jake’s Kitchen Sink Tank: Jack’s Five-Year Update Video

If you’ve been a fan of the Reef Builders YouTube channel for a while, you probably remember the inception of the studio and introduction of the aquariums inside. In September of 2018, Jake Adams took delivery of 2 new Innovative Marine…

This Week in Reefing

If you came out to Reefstock Denver or interacted with our social posts that weekend, THANK YOU!  It was exciting to see everyone again this year. From fans to vendors and reefing “celebrities,” it’s safe to say we had a blast.  Be…

Phestilla arnoldi is a New Species of Acropora Eating Nudibranch

Researchers surveying a coral reef in the Gulf of Thailand have found 13 species of coral-eating nudibranch, including one that’s totally new to science. The nudibranchs belong to the genus Phestilla – small, frilly, parasitic/predatory sea slugs which mimic the…

Jake Adams, Celebration of Life Dive Trip

This year, we commemorated the first anniversary of our great friend’s passing. The coral feast that I had planned to show him and that was left unfinished, ended up into another great adventure celebrating Jake’s coral love with other great…

Acropora halmaherae is a Real Delicacy

If corals are our life then Acropora are our Religion. So anytime we meet a new species of Acropora it’s always a real treat especially when we find one as characteristic as Acropora halmaherae. This very delicate, highly sculpted, very…

The Challenge With Grafted/Protein Infected Corals

The reef aquarium hobby has always had some degree of obsession with any new or unique coral strains and varieties. It’s therefore no surprise that when reefers first started discovering irregular patches of color in SPS corals like Acros and…

Keeping Corals is EASY, it’s the REEF Part that’s Hard!

If you start a new hobby such as learning an instrument or learning to SCUBA dive, you don’t start by learning rad guitar solos or diving as deep as you want, you have to start slow – walk before you…

World’s First Grafted Anacropora Pops up for Reef Raft

We’ve seen the ‘grafting’ phenomenon of different fluorescent proteins infecting a wide range of SPS corals including Acropora, Montipora, Stylocoeniella and even Turbinaria but the new grafted Anacropora from Reef Raft are the first of their kind. It’s only quite recently that the reef aquarium…