Two great aquarium stores in Greenwich CT having big annual sales this weekend

House of Fins and Greenwich Aquaria are two of the finest retail aquarium stores in the country which we have written about extensively over the years – only LiveAquaria and Old Town Aquarium do as much shaking down of rare…

Male Naoko’s fairy wrasse displaying nuptial colors with frenzy

This excited Cirrhilabrus naokoae is a nuptial displaying male who is showing the peak of coloration for this species. This video produced by Kevin Kohen of LiveAquaria filmed this male Naoko’s fairy wrasse in his own display aquarium trying his…

Funky new little ‘Mini Scolie’ now coming in from West Australia

One of the coolest new things spotted at MACNA this year was not necessarily the products, but a treasure trove of colorful “Mini Scolies” from West Australia. New fish species are discovered on an almost daily basis but it’s very…

Orange Scolymia are in season at Cherry Corals

It seems like orange scolymia were once so rare that they were only seen once or twice a year. Sure we occasionally see scolies with a little bit of an orange streak or an orange mouth but now we’re seeing…

Proaquatix Annouces New Captive-Bred Watchman Goby Species

Commercial Marine Ornamental Fish Breeder Proaquatix promised more surprises for 2011 –  the announcement of captive bred bluefin watchman goby is one we couldn’t have predicted.  The Bluefin or Y-Bar Watchman Goby, Cryptocentrus fasciatus, isn’t commonly available in the trade…

Friday roundup: Jet ski/submersible, smaller Ecotech Coral Glue, mainstream LED lights and Tony Vargas’s new book cover revealed

[youtube][/youtube] For those of you with a a few extra bucks lying around and looking to play like a dolphin, the Seabreacher might just be for you. Although it does look like some sort of futuristic submarine, the Seabreacher is…

RB personal shopper: Lobophyllia and Symphyllia edition

It’s been a long time coming but it seems like we’ve finaly hit a heyday of sweet and unforgettable Lobophyllia and Symphyllia colonies. When the LPS craze first hit with the Acan Lords, and then to other Acans and scolies…

Colangia, Culicia and Astrangia are the latest new Azoox corals to come from West Africa

Colangia, Culicia and Astrangia are not exactly the corals you’d think of when someone mentions azoox corals. Like Arcohelia before them, the latest crop of Azoox corals from West Africa like the Red Colangia and yellow-orange Culicia will hopefully foster…

Walt Smith’s Fiji Cultured Live Rock and Fish Heads’ Real Reef Live Rock Go Head-To-Head

Online saltwater livestock retailer Drs. Foster & Smith’s Diver’s Den at Live Aquaria caught our attention over the past couple weeks with a new product quietly “snuck in” to the daily Diver’s Den emails.  Listed under the invertebrates category, there…

The non-Photosynthetic reef tank of Mike Cao is what Azoox reefing all about

Unless you’ve been living under a piece of live rock for most of 2010, you may have noticed that non-Photosynthetic and azooxanthellae corals have been increasing in popularity. New species have been entering the trade, aquarium stores have started dedicating…