It seems like orange scolymia were once so rare that they were only seen once or twice a year. Sure we occasionally see scolies with a little bit of an orange streak or an orange mouth but now we’re seeing a lot more orange over a lot more of the coral. The first nearly solid orange scolymia we saw was over two years ago with a specimen from LiveAquaria that was neon orange with a green mouth. Now it seems like Cherry Corals has been buttering up their suppliers and scouts because they’ve got more than their fair share of hyper-orange Scolymia. If you like orange corals as much as we do then you should definitely be on the lookout for orange scolymia in the future.
Orange Scolymia are in season at Cherry Corals
Jake Adams
Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.
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