Observations on the yellow hawkfish, Paracirrhites xanthus

What more can be said about Paracirrhites xanthus, the yellow hawkfish? Reef Builders showcased a beautiful yellow hawkfish specimen a few years ago, and although still very rare, one has turned up in my care in a private collection in London,…

It’s Back! Let the 2013 LED Showdown Begin

It’s back! It’s January and that means it’s time for our annual jaunt down LED memory lane with the 2013 Reef Builders LED Showdown — so let the haters hate and the photon geeks rejoice. We’ve have a lot of…

The Challenges of Collecting Natural Sea Water for Your Marine Aquarium

Given the ready availability—and relative affordability—of high-quality synthetic sea salt mixes, it’s not surprising that the vast majority of marine aquarium hobbyists today choose to use artificial sea water rather than collect the natural stuff from the ocean for their…

A system for automatically feeding fresh and live food to aquarium fish

The concept of this autofeeder was born from the desire to keep food cold, as it was fed out all day to several exhibits without having to set up a full blown refrigerated feeder like the type pioneered by master…

Double unboxing of the AI Director and Hydra 52

The reef scene is currently being graced by the best, brightest, and most sophisticated aquarium LED lights that we’ve ever seen. Leading the pack of this advanced lighting future is the rich family of LED lights from Aqua Illumination, with…

Behind the scenes look at Cortez Tropical Marine’s clarion collection

Tangerine orange coloured clarion angelfishes are one the most well known of Holacanthus, and are becoming a common sight out of Baja imports. Everyone’s familiar with their fiery beauty, and the juveniles that are adorned with metallic blue striations. But…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Serranocirrhitus latus, the Sunburst Anthias

We’re continuing with the Awesome Fish Spotlight mini series this year and today we feature a most beautiful aquarium staple – the Sunburst Anthias. Also known as the fathead anthias, it is the only member of the genus Serranocirrhitus, and its…

Old SCWD video shows us how aquarium marketing used to look

Every now and then we are gripped by a twinge of longing for the good old days of reef aquarium keeping and questionably useful reef gear. Top among the devices that come to mind is the venerable SCWD, pronounced “squid”,…

Longfin Ocellaris: The Verdict? It’s Genetic!

Just yesterday we published our 2013 Marine Breeding Year in Review, part II, which included speculation and a short update about Sustainable Aquatic’s Longfin Ocellaris breeding project. At the time the review was written in late December, Sustainable had just…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review part 2

This is the second part of our annual Marine Breeder’s Year in Review, part 1 can be seen here.  4th Annual Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) Breeder’s Workshop To say it’s been a busy year is an understatement, so much so…