Online coral shopping: is What-You-See really What-You-Get?

Many die-hard hobbyists know exactly where and when the new cool stuff comes in. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to be present physically when a new shipment is unpacked. In these cases, the internet is a great thing: lots…

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are! 5 Reasons Marine Fish Go Into Hiding

You’ve spent the long dollar on a gorgeous marine fish with the hopes that it will bring new life and interest to your tank, but then it refuses to reveal itself for more than a passing glimpse. What could be…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review

It’s the 4th annual installment of the Marine Breeder’s Year in Review (see past installments at 2010, 2011a, 2011b, and 2012) and frankly, it’s been an interesting if not arguably “slow” year for a change, and yet I’ll probably write more…

Digiman revisits BlueHarbor and closes 2013 with a spectacular bang

We are closing this year with one last travel story and it’s contributed again by rare fish expert Digiman from Singapore. Following up on his Hong Kong trip, Digiman visited Japan as a final pit stop to his year end…

The Great Cleaner Wrasse and Cleaner Goby Throwdown!

Imagine you have your heart set on getting a cleaner fish for your marine aquarium so you can observe this iconic form of symbiosis right in your own home. Now imagine you’re in your local fish store looking at two…

HW42 controller interface is a novel twist for the small HydroWizard

The HydroWizard Small is just around the corner and for their third water pump release, Panta Rhei decided to go for a change up in the controller side of the pump. Upon release the HydroWizard Small will be officially referred…

The mystery of Bodianus “kimura”- shocking information that will leave you asking for more

Recently, some light has been shed on a new species of Bodianus that has gotten everyone worked up. Some light has been shed, but not nearly enough, and we’re still scratching our heads at this Bodianus conundrum. The new species,…

The juvenile Kamohara fang blenny is scribblier and more cryptic than the adults

It has been awhile since we’ve gotten one of the aquarium world’s first Kamohara fang blenny from Koji Wada of Blueharbor, and even recapped our trials and tribulations with the fish, but our love for this blenny is still burning…

Keeping the Aptly Named Coral Beauty Angelfish

If you have a real yen for marine angelfishes but lack the tank space to accommodate one of the large iconic species, such as the queen angel (Holacanthus ciliaris) or French angel (Pomacanthus paru), you’ll be pleased to know that…

How to: Take Extreme Macro Coral Photos

Much of what we do revolves around our ability to take nice looking photos and videos. Every now and again, we are lucky enough to pick up a new piece of equipment that allows us to shoot from a truly…