Revisiting the refugium, or more accurately, the macroalgae scrubber

A lot of trends have come and gone in this hobby. As folks shake up their zeolite reactors and add a carbon source, the idea of a deep sand bed and refugium seems like a long forgotten memory. Much to…

5 Ways to Counteract Coral Combat in the Marine Aquarium

At a casual glance, corals would appear to be an inoffensive lot, generally espousing a “live-and-let-live” philosophy. After all, when you’re firmly affixed to the substrate, how much trouble can you really cause for your neighbors? Plenty, as it turns…

The Basics of Marine Aquarium Backgrounds

When setting up a new saltwater aquarium, one of the many decisions you’ll need to make is whether you want to put a background on the tank and, if so, what kind you’d prefer to use. The choice of background…

Yellowheaded Sleeper Goby: A Fascinating but Challenging Sand-Sifter

Though not the most chromatically gifted species, the yellowheaded sleeper goby (Valenciennea strigata), is interesting to observe and can serve a utilitarian purpose in marine aquaria—regularly overturning and oxygenating the top layer of the substrate with its sand-sifting feeding behavior.…

Keep Spares of These Key Marine Aquarium Components

According to Kurtz’s Law, the likelihood of a key aquarium component breaking down and leaving you and your livestock in the lurch varies inversely with your local fish store’s business hours. Okay, so I totally fabricated that law, and I’m…

A look at Fluval’s new website, another major change for the aquatic giant

Last month Fluval launched its new website, as the main destination for the aquatic brand. On the surface, it just looks like a refresh of a corporate information portal, however beneath the surface the launch is a smart move as Fluval…

CAD Lights pipeless PLS300 review

When asked to look over the largest of the CadLights “Pipeless” skimmer range, I must admit to being initially skeptical. My first thought was how on Earth do you make a skimmer with no pipes-? Better yet, one that can…

ARKA VIDA-H4 is a more budget friendly version of impressive dosing system

We were impressed with the new ARKA VIDA-GT dosing system but a system like this tends to be out of reach of many hobbyists’ budgets. However, the German manufacturer recently announced the ARKA VIDA-H4 that offers you a quality dosing system at…

Incredibly rare Cirrhilabrus hybrid from RVS FishWorld lands in Iwarna Aquafarm, Singapore

The amazing wrasse pictured above is an incredibly rare fusion between two already rare species. The yet to be described Pintail fairy wrasse (Cirrhilabrus cf. lanceolatus) and the also difficult to obtain Crescent tail fairy wrasse (C. lunatus) sometimes hybridizes…

Discosoma Mushrooms: Beautiful, Adaptable, Beginner-Friendly Corals

Some of the most beautiful creatures in this hobby are neither rare nor difficult to keep but get glossed over by experienced reef aquarists because they are not the “latest and greatest” coral specimens that landed on our shores. So…