Coral color is NOT necessarily an indicator of success or health

Lately, there have been various assaults on lighting in many popular reefkeeping forums: The white light zealots attacking the Windex blue fanboys, and the T5/Metal Halide fans using coral color as evidence that LEDs are bad or wrong; fanaticism doesn’t…

A look back at our favorite ORA stories

We do so many posts here Reef Builders that after a while we start looking back at some of our favorite posts. We were ruminating on all the interesting things ORA has done over the years and thought it would…

Unboxing APBreed’s new Rotifer Culture System

While Reed Mariculture helped make home rotifer culture a mainstream prospect, their new division, APBreed, has brought additional focus to the pitfalls of small scale rotifer culture.  Their latest introduction, the APBreed Compact Culture System™ (CCS) was introduced to bring stability,…

Incredible freshwater fish like this jeweled betta are impossible to ignore

Reef Builders is clearly a specialist in the marine and reef aquarium side of the hobby but we still have lots of appreciation for incredible freshwater fish. This year’s Aquarama fish competition featured so many unbelievable fish specimens that we…

On location in Bali, Indonesia – birthplace of the first captive bred clarion angelfish

Just over two months ago we took delight in reporting that the highly coveted and gorgeous Clarion angelfish had been successfully bred and reared, in Bali, Indonesia of all places. From a distance it may seem odd that Holacanthus clarionensis would…

Tips for Adding New Fish to an Established Community

Here at Saltwater Smarts, we frequently advise our fellow salties to introduce fish species to an aquarium in the order of least aggressive to most aggressive. Using this tactic goes a long way toward ensuring peaceful cohabitation in a fish…

Friday Smorgasbord: Monster snails, fluorescent protein and more

Welcome to the last Friday of spring and another edition of the Friday Smorgasbord. We kick this week off with this image of monster Trochus snails from British LFS Ocean Corals. The monster snails are actually Trochus niloticus, a species…

B-Box Aquarium teases with a short clip of Belonoperca pylei

The whimsical and cartoonish looking Belonoperca pylei has long been regarded as a straight up unobtainable “book fish”. In the past year or two however, we’ve seen a few being slowly drip-fed into the aquarium scene. While still out of…

6 Steps to Help Prevent Aquarium Leaks

A thriving saltwater system is a thing of beauty and a joy to behold—as long as the salt water stays in the tank where it belongs, that is! While most of the aquariums manufactured today represent a high level of…

Orphek Atlantik gets hands on treatment and review [VIDEO]

Our initial thoughts of the the Orphek Nilus multicolor LED fixture were favorable as both the spectrum and the spread of light were impressive. As if the company took Mark vanderWal’s post complaining of the lack of spread of modern led…