AI Vega Blue and Vega Color final specs outed by Aqua Illumination

The AI Vega Blue and Vega Color LED reef aquarium lights are finally here with a full feature set to help the AI Vega follow in the footsteps of the wildly-popular AI Sol LED. Aqua Illumination’s newest creation will come…

New GHL Mitras LX 6100 LED pendant coming in September, preorder discounts available

GHL’s new Mitras LX 6100 LED pendant was one of the bright spots (no pun intended) of InterZoo 2012 and the company has released the full details and plenty of spectral images along with tentative pricing and a release date. The…

RoboSnail one step closer to being released

The RoboSnail automated aquarium cleaner by AquaGenesis is one step closer to being released as the units have moved out of beta and into final production mode. To highlight this big event, AquaGenesis unveiled its website along with pricing and…

GARF founder Leroy Headlee passed away, glue a frag for Leroy

Leroy Headlee, the co-founder and director of the infamous Geothermal Aquaculture Research Foundation (GARF) passed away on Memorial Day leaving behind a legacy in the coral aquarium hobby which is undeniable. We never knew Leroy, spoke to him on the…

Conch Wavemaker getting released in basic and expert flavors

The Conch Wavemaker system has recently been updated with two flavors based on your budget — a Conch Basic economy version and the more robust Conch Expert version. Designed by RR-Aquagroup and being marketed by Singapore’s Chill-down Trading and Services,…

Actinic PowerLED and blue-white-blue version coming soon from Eheim

The Actinic PowerLED that was first spotted at MACNA last fall has finally gotten the green light from Eheim. The PowerLED will be made in an all blue Actinic flavor with an emission peak around 450nm, so pretty close to…

This is what the MaxSpect Razor looks like in real life

If you thought the MaxSpect Razor LED looked good in the pre-InterZoo renderings, just wait till you get a good look at pictures of the real thing. The aptly-named Razor is incredibly thin, not thin like the AquaPad, but thin-with-heatfins…

Oliver Knott displays extreme aquascaping creativity in the Anubias booth and all over InterZoo

Any saltwater aquarists who’s been keeping fish or corals for some time knows that the freshwater aquarists have us trumped when it comes to making beautiful displays of aquarium nature. Most of this exposure to freshwater planted aquariums will be…

Bali Aquarich – Contender for first captive-bred Annularis angelfish

A recent spate of captive breeding successes, particularly with the Koran angelfish Pomacanthus semicirculatus, had us wondering what the next captive bred “Big Angel” would be.  Based on what we’re seeing from Bali Aquarich (producers of the first captive-bred Pinnatus Batfish), it…

Micom continuous liquid feeder is an adjustable, always-on dosing pump

Micom’s continuous liquid feeder looks like any other ordinary dosing pump, it appears identical to the original Micom liquid feeder, but it has one special trick up its peristaltic sleeve – it runs continuously. Whereas other dosing pumps have a…