Top 10 Affordable and Unique Corals

Last week we were talking with Reef Builders host Remy about corals we recommend to people, and of course, the obvious beginner corals come up like Toadstools, Green Star Polyp, and Pulsing Xenia. But with 100+ genera of Indo-Pacific hard…

How to Aquascape with Reef Cement

Every day is reef tank day for me, but on Sundays, I take the day off from writing and have the opportunity to execute some of my bigger plans. The 200-liter shallow soft coral lagoon is doing great. So great…

Captivating Clavularia

If you want a coral that’s both easy to keep and colorful, look no further than the Clove polyps, Clavularia spp. They’ve been in the hobby for decades, but are one of those coral families which have really benefitted from…

Cyphastrea is the ultimate ornament encruster

It’s been a while since we started getting creative with aquarium ornaments and corals, but nothing makes you look twice more than an ornament with a tight skin of encrusting Cyphastrea. For a long time, ceramic skulls were the ornament…

Rescaping the Nano Reef With New Torch Corals [Video]

The Red Sea Max Nano aquarium that we set up in one day and then untouched for a year has been one of our funnest concepts we’ve shared on video. While we thoroughly enjoyed demonstrating what is possible with the most…

Erythropodium taoyuanensis, a New Soft Coral Discovered in Taiwan

Erythropodium taoyuanensis is a new species of encrusting octocoral that was discovered from algal bed of Taiwan in the west Pacific Ocean. The newly described octocoral from Taiwan is not much a looker as far as corals go being what…

Two Year Update of the 1-Day Nano Reef Tank Build

We love new and exciting reef aquarium gear as much as the next diehard hobbyist and it’s literally the lifeblood of the Reef Builders blog. But at the end of the day our main goal with reef aquariums has always…

Here’s Your Reef Therapy About High Coral Prices

If you’re just getting into the reef aquarium hobby, you might be astounded at the prices that some corals are going for. However if you’ve been in the reef aquarium hobby, you will certainly have noticed that in general, coral prices…

Cetus 2 LED Offers The Ideal Wavelength For Low To Medium Light Corals

The Cetus 2 is a pendant-style LED by HME Electronics is ideal for small aquariums with low to medium light corals. The Cetus 2 comes with an updated smartphone app (HME AquaMaster) allowing users to customize and select various light…

Shallow Reefs We Found On #reefbuilders Instagram

Raise your hand if you like shallow reef tanks because we sure do!! While scrolling through #reefbuilders on Instagram it seems these lagoon-style reefs are becoming increasingly popular for their minimalistic design and aesthetic. What’s really neat about this style…