Tigerpyge Hybrid Angelfish caught on HD video

Please direct uour attention to the high definition video above of the fantabulous lemonpeel x eibli hybrid pictured above who is affectionately called the Tigerpyge. The High Definition footage will fill  the lingering emptyness in your soul which yearns to…

The Hybrid lemonpeel x eibli angelfish, Tiger’pyge gets video treatment

Last week, Reefbuilders had the honor of introducing the hybrid lemonpeel x eibli centropyge angelfish to our readers. The world of rare fish collectors was set ablaze by the hybrid lemonpeel x eibli angelfish which we have affectionately come to…

Reef Safe Angelfish: What’s the Secret?

Have you ever owned a reef-safe angelfish? A hot topic of discussion that has yet to be answered. If you peruse the forums, you will find yourself reading a multitude of different opinions. Some believe they will get lucky and…

Golden Nebula Angelfish is a Griffis x GoldFlake Backcross Hybrid

Singapore fish store Iwarna Aquafarm is showing off a stunning hybrid angelfish that we believe to be a cross between the Griffis Angelfish, Apolemichthys griffisi, and a Goldflake/Griffis hybrid (A.xanthopunctatus x A.griffisi). The Apolemichthys genus includes many beautiful and highly…

Ten of the Best Hybrid Dwarf Angelfish

From Rusty Flames to Tigerpyges and Holy Grails. Here are just 10 of the many hybrid dwarf angels that Reef Builders has covered over the years.

Cocos Pygmy Angelfish is a rarely imported treat

List 10 rare Angelfish off the top of your head and this fish will probably feature, the Cocos Pygmy Angelfish, Centropyge joculator. Also known by its specific name, the Joculator Angel occurs only on the Cocos (Keeling,) Islands and Christmas…

New Half-Black/Lemonpeel Angelfish Hybrid produced by Bali Aquarich

In our latest visit to Mr Su famous ornamental fish hatchery, we were greeted with many fish of different sizes and slightly different coloration all of them being hybrids of Centropyge flavissima and C. vrolicki. The very strange thing with…

Scientific Research Spotlights Hybridization of Angelfish

Angelfish hybrids and the numerous ways that the Pomacanthids can remix their genetics have been one of our favorite writing topics on Reef Builders for over a decade. For much of that time our rare fish editor Tea Yi Kai…

Deepwater Debelius Angelfish Collected in 50 Feet in Madagascar!

The Debelius angelfish is one of the rarest and most elusive angelfish species because it has only been known from very deep waters of the isolated island of Mauritius. Over the weekend we got some earth-shattering news about this species…

Top 10 Angelfish Stories of 2018

It’s no secret that we are big fans of saltwater angelfish and we’re not the only ones, Angelfish are beautiful and diverse in their size and colors when they are normally colored, but the aberrations, rare species and variety of…