Hanna High Range Nitrate Checker Review

The Hanna Marine Nitrate High range Checker is a new nutrient measuring tool to test nitrate levels in our reef and saltwater fish tanks. It was just last year that Hanna treated us to the low range Nitrate Checker which…

Reef Blizzard ZC, ZR, XC and LPS Foods Review

Reef Blizzard is Brightwell Aquatics’ range of coral foods that offer a wide selection of food types and particle sizes so reefers can fine tune their coral feeding regimen. Earlier this year Brightwell added four interesting new foods to the…

Announcing ReefStock @ Home for Saturday, Nov 14

The ReefStock global events and its supportive local reefing families have been giving the reef scene injections of excitement every year since 2008 when ReefStock was first founded in Denver. Since that time we have expanded the show globally to…

The Best Salt For Saltwater Aquariums – Reef Builder Gear Guide

Are you guilty of just using whatever salt you can find, or have you ever really given much thought to the salt you are using and why? Salt formulas DO MATTER, and using the wrong salt could be doing more…

The Best Dry Rock For Aquascaping Saltwater Aquariums – Reef Builders Gear Guide

Aquascaping is an art form with a function that goes well beyond aesthetics. A beautiful saltwater reef scape starts with well-designed rocks arranged in just the right way to allow for optimal circulation and aesthetically pleasing features like overhangs, caves,…

Tigahboy Macroalgae Tank – Reef Builders Featured Tank

We recently when we came across this 9 gallon macroalgae tank and reached out to Tigahboy to feature his creation on Reef Builders. It’s not often we come across such a healthy example of a simple planted saltwater aquariums so…

30 Day Reef Tank – Gear, Space, And Cycling

Setting up a reef tank for someone who’s not in the hobby. Ever since we set our eyes on the Lifegard Aquatics Crystal peninsula nano tank, we knew it would be the perfect addition to our family home. But convincing…

MicroBacter Start XLM Makes Cycling Easy

MicroBacter Start XLM is a new live nitrifying bioculture from Brightwell Aquatics for starting a saltwater or reef aquarium in record time. Cycling a saltwater aquarium has never been easier and there’s numerous live bacterial cultures available in the aquarium…

Freshwater Substrate Vs. Aragonite Mangrove Growth Test

Mangrove trees are a popular addition to reef aquarium systems, and we’ve recently focused our attention on them with all the newfound space at the Reef Builders Studio. It’s positively easy to simply keep a few Rhizophora mangrove pods alive…

2019 Complete Tour of the Reef Builders Studio

It’s been a little more than a year since we first let everyone in on our most ambitious project to date, the Reef Builders Studio. On the surface it might look like a typical commercial coral aquarium store, this facility…