Eviota jewettae & E. pinocchioi are a pair of peppermint nano gobies

As if we needed any more reason to love the dwarf gobies of the genus Eviota, E. jewettae and E. pinocchioi are the latest nano fish to be described. Some of the new species of Eviota can be drab or have…

Trimma matsunoi, T. fasciatum and Gobiodon winterbottomi join a long list of cool new nano gobies

The new description of Trimma fasciatum, Trimma matsunoi and Gobiodon winterbottomi show that although the summer doldrums may be in full swing for the marine aquarium hobby, the ichthyologists are still busy classifying reef fishes.Especially with the nano reef gobies like Eviota and Trimma, these tiny substrate…

EcoAquariums PNG LTD: Diving deeper into Papua New Guinea 2.0

Earlier this month Reef Builders brought you the news after a long wait, EcoAquarium PNG resurrected sustainably-collected marine fish from Papua New Guinea and is pushing to bring PNG-collected fish to the aquarium market.  Reef Builders went beyond EcoAquarium PNG’s…

Stunning purple-back nano goby, Eviota dorsopurpurea just described from Papua New Guinea

The purple-back nano goby, Eviota dorsopurpurea, is a stunning new species of Eviota that was recently described from specimens collected around Papua New Guinea. Eviota dorsopurpurea is closely related to the species in the Eviota nigriventris complex, including E. dorsogilva…

New Trimma species from Raja Ampat: T. erdmanni, T. cheni and four others described

A new paper by David Winterbottom describes six new species of nano reef gobies including Trimma erdmanni, Trimma cheni and four other species. The new Trimma species were all described from collection near Raja Ampat Indonesia, the same region which…

New pseudochromis and Euphyllia among the recent discoveries in Bali, Indonesia

Scientists just discovered eight new fish species and one new coral species after conducting a marine survey around Bali. Targeting 33 different sites the team identified 952 fish and found that eight were new undiscovered species that included damsels, eels…

Trimma maiandros is a new nano goby that is widespread in the Indo-Pacific

Trimma maiandros is a new species of nano goby from the Indo-Pacific which was recently described. Although it seems like countless new species of Eviota and Trimma gobies are frequently described that are lacking in the color department, the new…

Eviota ancora and E. rubriguttata gobies formerly known as Eviota sp. 7 and E. sp. 15

Eviota ancora and Eviota rubriguttata are the latest new species of nano gobies to be formally described and given a proper scientific name. The nano gobies formerly known as Eviota sp. 7 and Eviota sp. 15 were described from specimens…

Eviota sp. 2 is officially described as Eviota nigrispinna

Eviota nigrispinna is a new species of reef goby fish described from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This small goby was previously known as ‘Eviota sp. 2’ and was known from just a handful of photographs of the species in it’s…

Yellow Gobies are the Best Fish for Nano Reef Tanks  

I want to take a moment to highlight one of the unsung fishy heroes of the nano reefing world, the humble Yellow Goby. Also known as the Yellow Clown Goby or Okinawa Goby, Gobiodon okinawae is a small, bright yellow…