Aquarium des Lagons in New Caledonia is a World Class Marinelife Exhibit

Public aquariums are a staple of many countries and some larger cities may even have more than one, but when we heard that the tiny island nation of New Caledonia had an aquarium we went in with very modest expectations.…

Show soft corals some love with a shallow lagoon tank

We don’t show enough of our tanks from the other side of the Atlantic so I thought I would show my own little project from the UK – this 200 liter/52 gallon soft coral-dominated lagoon tank. It was devised over…

Coral Workshops help tell wild from farmed Indonesian corals

Corals are the most traded CITES-listed marine animals globally. A 2021 study by the Food and Agriculture Organization found that from 1990 to 2016, exporting countries reported 1.6 million direct export transactions in marine animals, 97% of which were in…

World’s First Grafted Anacropora Pops up for Reef Raft

We’ve seen the ‘grafting’ phenomenon of different fluorescent proteins infecting a wide range of SPS corals including Acropora, Montipora, Stylocoeniella and even Turbinaria but the new grafted Anacropora from Reef Raft are the first of their kind. It’s only quite recently that the reef aquarium…

Two miles of Twilight Zone corals discovered off Tahiti

A scientific research mission has discovered one of the largest pristine coral reefs in the world, according to UNESCO. Situated in the middle of the Pacific, off Tahiti, the reef is two miles long and between 30 and 70 yards…

A Realistic Video of World Wide Coral’s Amazing Collection

One of the most challenging aspects of sharing pictures or video of blue light heavy reef tanks is trying to genuinely represent the fluorescent colors of so many different coral species. Smartphone camera sensors are particularly sensitive to the overwhelming…

Some of the Best Stony Corals for All Kinds of Reef Tanks [Video]

Today we once again visit the home tank of Evan Montgomery where we show off some of the old school corals in his display. Many of these corals have been circulating in the hobby for decades, beloved by reef hobbyists…

Widest Ever Porites Coral Found at Great Barrier Reef

Scientists have found the widest coral yet at a ridiculous 10.4 meters (34 feet) of Porites coral. The newly found coral is 2.4 meters wider than the former widest coral found on the reef. Researchers in the area estimate it…

Rainbow Master Cynarina Raises the Bar for these Unique LPS Corals

Cynarina lacrymalis is one of the more unique corals out on the reef, often endowed with a unique combination of polyp shape and vibrant coloration. A ‘typical’ colorful Cynarina is frequently a bright pinkish red overall with large inflated bubbly…

Cetus 2 LED Offers The Ideal Wavelength For Low To Medium Light Corals

The Cetus 2 is a pendant-style LED by HME Electronics is ideal for small aquariums with low to medium light corals. The Cetus 2 comes with an updated smartphone app (HME AquaMaster) allowing users to customize and select various light…