A. nigropunctatus: The Pet-Like Dogface Puffer

Hobbyists with sizeable tanks who are looking for a truly pet-like fish won’t be disappointed in the aptly named dogface puffer (Arothron nigropunctatus). Looking rather like a pudgy beagle with fins instead of paws, A. nigropunctatus is loaded with piscine…

Behind the scenes look at Cortez Tropical Marine’s clarion collection

Tangerine orange coloured clarion angelfishes are one the most well known of Holacanthus, and are becoming a common sight out of Baja imports. Everyone’s familiar with their fiery beauty, and the juveniles that are adorned with metallic blue striations. But…

Countdown to 2015 with BlueHarbor’s immaculate rare fish calendar

2013 was such a fantastic year for rare fish and aquarium tidbits and we’re so stoked to see what 2014 will bring. Here’s a fun way to countdown 2014, and what better way than with BlueHarbor’s splendid calendar. In typical…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review part 2

This is the second part of our annual Marine Breeder’s Year in Review, part 1 can be seen here.  4th Annual Marine Breeding Initiative (MBI) Breeder’s Workshop To say it’s been a busy year is an understatement, so much so…

Pempheris flavicycla sweeper is endowed with a brilliant yellow eye

The yellow eye sweeper, Pempheris flavicycla is new species of a group that gets no airtime in the aquarium, but just because we don’t acknowledge them doesn’t exist in beautifully colored species. For the unfamiliar with sweepers, their overall shape is…

This is the best photo of Chaetodontoplus niger to date

For a fish that gets as big as a football, it’s a mystery why the black angelfish, Chaetodontoplus niger is scarcely ever seen much larger than a juvenile fish in size and color. We know that large adult C. niger are…

2013 Marine Breeder’s Year in Review

It’s the 4th annual installment of the Marine Breeder’s Year in Review (see past installments at 2010, 2011a, 2011b, and 2012) and frankly, it’s been an interesting if not arguably “slow” year for a change, and yet I’ll probably write more…

Digiman revisits BlueHarbor and closes 2013 with a spectacular bang

We are closing this year with one last travel story and it’s contributed again by rare fish expert Digiman from Singapore. Following up on his Hong Kong trip, Digiman visited Japan as a final pit stop to his year end…

Our top six smashing aquarium debuts of 2013

Here’s another 2013 recap, but this time, we’re featuring smashing aquarium debuts of 2013. Yes that’s right, 2013 is a year of first times, and these five fishes have had their moment in the spotlight in the past months. While…

Reef Builder’s recap on 2013’s most alluring hybrids

We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t cover any hybrids this year, and like the hardworking elves at Santa’s factory, we made sure we did it with glitter and bow ribbons. This year we had our fair share…